119 Things You Must Do Before You Die - My Bucket List

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10 years ago I wrote a list of things I wish to do before I die which is also called a bucket list, based on a movie with the same name. I think every one should have a bucket list as it gives a purpose to your life something worth living for. Here is my Bucket list check them out you might find something to put on your own bucket list.

Things to do Before I Die

1- Swim with dolphins
2- Throw a huge party and invite every one of your friends
3- Learn to swim better
4- SkydiveI
5- Have your portrait painted
6- Learn to speak a foreign language and make sure you use it
7- Brew my own beer
8- Watch the launch of the space shuttle
9- Grow my own weed
10- Be an extra in a film
11- Tell someone the story of your life, sparing no details
12- Make love on a forest floor
13- Make love on a train
14- Learn to skate
15- Own a room with a view
16- get stuck in wood house in snow with a romantic date
17- Learn sign language
18- Have a pic with my fav star and have their autograph
19- Do a first AID-course
20- Give your mother a dozen red roses and tell her you love her
21- Be a member of the audience in a TV show
22- Write to my fav actor, author nd tv artist
23- Send a message in a bottle
24- Ride a camel into the desert
25- Go level 5 trekking
26- Plant a tree
27- Get inside pyramid
28- Go to every capital of India
29- Bungee jumping
30- Learn to dance 1 style
31- See northern light
32- Look up at the night sky through a telescope
33- To see a deadly tornado
34- To copy my bottom on the office photocopier
35- Learn one martial art
36- Write the novel you know you have inside you
37- Midnight walk on the beach & wake up on the beach
38- To achieve money independence
39- Learn a Bit of Piano
40- Record my song
41- Shower in snowfall
42- Write a movie script
43- Learn to play a musical instrument with some degree of skill
44- Teach someone illiterate to read
45- Kiss in the rain
46- Spend a night in a haunted house
47- Make a Short Movie
48- Perform on stage
49- Spend New Year's in an exotic location
50- One-night stand
51- Experience weightlessness
52- Have piercing + tattooing
53- Visited all 7 continents
54- Have my pic in newspaper
55- Learn to make fire
56- Own one very expensive but absolutely wonderful business suit
57- Quit smoking
58- Get arrested
59- Learn how to play pool
60- learn bowling
61- Learn palmistry
62- learn to solve Rubik's cube
63- Forgive your parents
64- Learn to juggle with three balls
65- Drive Lamborghini + Ferrari
66- Climb to Everest base camp
67- Learn to ride horse
68- Go to burj al arab and burj khalifa
69- Learn surfing
70- Donate money and put your name on something: a college scholarship, a bench in the park-
71- Get flying license
72- Climb an active volcano
73- Have a good physic
74- Drive a convertible with the top down and music blaring-
75- Have a threesome
76- Get in the fighting ring
77- Scuba dive
78- Go up in a hot-air balloon
79- Attend one really huge rock concert
80- Spend whole night on a tree house
81- Ride mini helicopter
82- Give to a charity -- anonymously
83- Lose more money than you can afford in Vegas
84- Learn to type without seeing keyboard
85- Read Geeta, Ved, Bible, Quran
86- Ride a very big roller coaster
87- Drink Absinthe
89- Create your own web site
90- Buy a professional camera
91- Send maa paa to a vacation
92- Watch the sun rise from the middle of the ocean
93- Create your Family Tree
94- Visit a nude beach
95- Own a dwarf tree
96- learn to Ski
97- Learn to bar-tend
98- Own a katana and shuriken
99- Free a bird
100- Have natural exotic massage
101- Do Zorbing
102- Learn to wheelie and endow on bike
103- Learn to drive car
104- Learn pottery
105- Learn cloth stitching
106- Learn to make at least 30 exotic dishes
107- Perfect the art of talking
108- Be in at least one reality show
109- Visit under water zoo
110- Learn yoga
111- Own a tour bus
112- Buy disco light and disco ball
113- Be a part of a very great change
114- Start a band
115- Add 10 videos to YouTube
116- Take my family to exotic dinner
117- Learn Parkour
118- Gift something costly to maa and paa
119- Make a Short Movie

If I get 20 plus comments on this post I will post a second part of this telling which of these I was able to achieve and how.

Thank you for reading.

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