TRAVEL: Myanmar (Burma) to Cambodja

Dear readers,

it has been a while since I posted something here.

To be honest, after everything that happened (and of which I told you), I needed some time to reflect. I'm through that phase now and ready to post again.

I will, however, start a new narrative. Apart from psychology, I am addicted to travelling. And I always run off when January comes. Things can get pretty cold in Czech right then. So... this time, shortly after X'mas I will be leaving for an exploration of Myanmar, Laos and Cambodja (+a tiny bit of Thailand (my second home), as there is no border crossing between Myanmar and Laos; so I will cross the border into northern Thailand and from there cross the Mekong into Laos!).

As I will be travelling alone (for the most part), I will have plenty of time to update you of my adventures: with text and pictures (of the scenery :-)).

To warm you up: here's a picture of (old) Bagan ((c)

Stay tuned!


Irrawaddy River (Myanmar)

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