Motivation for Sports and Things You Don't Really Want to Do// Quoteswithtam #17

Good evening. Here's

Quote #17image.jpeg


There's always this New Years resolution of starting to work out more. Or to work more on other stuff. Maybe on getting better grades by studying more. Or just on keeping your home clean at all times.

Whatever it is, everybody has that one thing they really want to get done but hate so much that they just don't do it.


I know this doesn't sound helpful at all but you really only have two choices. You can either procrastinate more and more and feel youself get less motivated and more stressed over time. And then you have to do it all at once at a time where you actually have less time than you would've had before.

Or you just go for it. Separate the task into small steps. Start. Discipline is hard, but feeling the pain of regtet is even worse.

So go ahead.

That's all I can say.

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