Bella Grace | Life's a Beautiful Journey . Most Stunning Magazine I've Ever Read . Photos Inside!

Mindfulness: It's something we all seem to want to practice but also seem to let everyday LIFE get in the way of. I keep coming back to this practice and reading the benefits of a mindful life. To become more mindful in my everyday life and not let the hustle and bustle of everyday life get in the way of me...that takes focus.

On Sunday, Josh and I decided to have an afternoon date at Barnes and Noble. We thought it would be fun to get a coffee or tea and pick out a new magazine or book. We went to the cafe first and ordered hot tea. I had a delicious pumpkin spice tea and Josh had a scrumptious white Christmas tea - yes, it's August. ha ha!

With our teas in hand, we headed to the magazine section of Barnes and Noble. I always enjoy looking at the art, business, and women magazines. I was going to get one of my favorite quarterly art magazines but when I picked it up there was no spark or joy. I decided that I wouldn't purchase this quarter's publication and kept looking. My eyes scanned the shelves and went all the way down to the bottom when suddenly my eyes caught a carefree looking cover with a hand skimming the water. THAT magazine is now about to change my life and thoughts on mindfulness.

Bella Grace | Life's a Beautiful Journey. I picked it up and immediately loved the weight and aesthetic of the magazine. Seriously, it's gorgeous. The quality is incredible. I flipped through the pages. They spoke to me. I decided right then it had to be mine.

Last night I curled up in bed and started reading. I couldn't put it down. I got to page 44 an decided it was time for bed. I am going to share some of the absolutely stunning images and articles that have popped out to me thus far:

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This is what you open the magazine to. I mean REALLY?! How STUNNING!

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Here is the front cover of Bella Grace Issue 12. Simple. Beautiful. Mindful.

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81 Ways to Relive that Childhood Magic. This is so nostaligic and fun. Can't help but put a smile on your face!

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So true, right?!


I can't wait to keep reading this GORGEOUS magazine and being moved and touched by every page. I have only shared with you a GLIMPSE of the beauty, love, and mindfulness that is within the pages of this amazing publication.

I look forward to sharing more with you. I recommend picking up a copy for yourself. You won't regret it! It's wonderful.

How do you practice mindfulness in your life?


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