Been in Hospital and not posted for 2 weeks :-(

Ouch! That's the only word that describes that last 2 weeks of my life ......


So, I've been in hospital as I needed an operation on my Spine. Towards the top, C4/C5 and C5/C6 had collapsed following a skiing accident in 2015. I may not be the best skier in the world, but I can hold my own and get down pretty much any slope - but I don't have eyes in the back of my head and was hit from behind by someone who was completely out of control. The result of this has been 2 years of pain, ending in the operation I've just had.

me feeling crappy 3 days after surgery still in hospital with a swollen neck!

I've never had a major operation before and honestly thought they were signing me off work for 8 weeks as a bit of a jolly!! I had no idea it would wipe me out as much as it has, meaning I couldn't even post to Steemit :-(

The operation is completed by cutting into your throat; moving aside the voice box, Trachea and Esophagus - these are clamped to the side for around 2 hours giving the surgeon access to the front of the spine so they can repair the damage. For me, this was completely removing 2 discs and replacing them with Carbon Fibre discs and then bolting the whole lot together.

It's now been 2 weeks and the damage they went in to fix is healing well, but I still have a heap of throat problems as a result of the surgery. I can just about talk again now, but still can't eat solid food and therefore on a very boring runny soup diet! For the first few days after surgery, I would even choke on water and the pain was bonkers.

Thankfully I have a drug called Oramorph to help manage the pain and also get me to sleep at night!

my new best friends haha

From Monday though, my plan is to get back to posting daily recipes starting with as much 'feel good' food as possible :-).

Big hugs
Sacha xx

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