travel to bandung

Mainly contains the up and coming residential area in the north part of Bandung. The air is considerably cooler here so it is preferable for residential area. Still need some progress for well managed residential area but in some enclave it already has upscale residential area. Residential area developing to higher area with fresh and cool air like sariwangi, gerlong, and ciwaruga. This region also contains many universities. Contains malls like Paris Van Java malls and Bandung Trade Center. Jalan Setiabudi in the north also has a row of Factory Outlets and in process of gentrification. Further north from this region are more residential suburb that seeks Bandung's fresher air. In the north part of this area you will find many beautiful recreation place like dusun bambu, villa istana bunga, lembang, maribaya waterfall, the peak, kafe bunga, curug tilu waterfall, ciwangun indah camp, curug pelangi waterfall. Plenty cafe and restaurant with mountaneous tropical rain forest view here...

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