Why You Always Give Up | Thought Sandwich

More than a quarter of the year has passed since the majority of people made ridiculous promises and vowed that this time they'll stick to them!

In this video we explain why that's bullshit and in the post below we dig a bit deeper and give you some more advice. ❤

Most people make the mistake of trying to change everything at once.
But the world doesn't work that way and when you inevitably fail, you get discouraged and maybe even give up altogether.

When someone tries telling you what you have to do but they keep talking too fast, jumping from one thing to another until nothing make sense anymore, we usually tell them to calm down and start from the beginning.

And that's exactly what you do to your brain when you try changing everything at once.

Not getting junk food, working out and being productive instead of lazy, is something completely new to your brain. You've trained it to want certain things and to perform in a certain way and now you're basically telling it to change overnight.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

When we have too many things to do, the best thing is to sit down and make a list of everything that needs to be done, so that we can prioritize and stay on track.

The same process applies when it comes to changing your habits.

If you want to change your diet, you have to analyze your current one first and have a solid decision about what you want to change.
You want to eat less sugar - well that's actually one of the strongest addictions, so you better have ''rehab plan'' laid out.
If you want to stop eating at McDonald's, Burger King etc. start preparing your own meals in advance, so you won't be able to justify eating there.
If you want to stop drinking sugary stuff carry a water bottle everywhere you go.
Besides the overall health benefits of replacing sugar and fast food with fresh healthy food and drinking a lot of water, it will also clear up your skin and kick start your metabolism.

But when you do eat a cookie or go to Burger King, don't just say ''well, I might as well make this my cheat day''.
Indifferently shrugging at your mistakes will get you back into the mindset that tells you it's ok to fail.
Acknowledge them and immediately try to improve the situation.
If you have to stop in the middle of the meal, then stop.
Your health is worth more than the money you spent on it.

Now let's talk about working out.
Procrastination is just as addictive as junk food.
Your brain got used to not having to focus on anything, because you spend too much of your time mindlessly scrolling through random sh*t.
But now you have to reprogram it, to suit your ambitions.
Instead of your morning instagram scroll, it's gonna have to get used to a morning jog.
Instead of binge watching TV shows in the evening, it's gonna have to learn how to power down so that you can get a full night's sleep and let your body regenerate.

Your body and brain can't handle going from nothing to training like Michael Phelps.
So ease yourself into it.
You won't be able to run for an hour straight, but you might alternate running and walking for 30min.
But if like me you absolutely despise running, you can replace it with swimming or classes like zumba, body pump and other group activities.
You can always find an activity you enjoy and when you do, stick to it!

And since we're on the topic of reprogramming your brain, let's talk about your productivity levels.
You have a job that makes you miserable and that probably means you never give a 100%.
But here's the thing.
Every hour you spend procrastinating at work is an hour you spend getting addicted to procrastinating.
So that's exactly what you're gonna do when you come home.
You shut off your brain so that you don't have to face reality.
And having a lousy job that doesn't pay you well doesn't mean you can't go home feeling like you accomplished something.

I used to hate my job, but I tried my hardest and even though I never got a raise, I got a lot of respect from people twice my age.
Working hard will make time go by faster and you're gonna come home feeling positive and productive instead of tired and miserable, which means you'll have more energy to spend on working towards your dreams or finding a new job.

So tomorrow when you get to work, turn off the WiFi on your phone and start crossing things off your to do list.
It might suck, but complaining about it won't make it any better.
So smile and piss off the people that want to see you fail!

Our point is that changing everything at once and not planning ahead is the perfect recipe for failure.
It's demoralizing, overwhelming and makes you give up before you get the chance to see any results.
So sit down and define what your goals are and write down every single step you have to take along the way, no matter how small it is.

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Stay positive and we promise to see you as soon as possible!

Love, Thought Sandwich

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