6 Reasons Why You Should Drink Green Tea Regularly

When someone says tea, most of us imagine a cup of black liquid. However, the true tea is a green tea as the black(red) tea is known only for little over 3 centuries. Green tea is not being fermented and thus it keeps all of its effects on the other hand the black tea is highly fermented and does not present the unique set of helpful substance as the green tea. About the positive aspects of green tea had been already written in the year of 1191 by the Japanese Buddhist priest in the book of tea.

Better caffeine distribution than coffee

All of us know that green tea contains caffeine, however in green tea the caffeine is tied to tannin so the release is gradual, it helps you concentrate for much longer.   


Thanks to unhealthy food, smoking, drinking and other bad things we necessarily do to our body free radicals accumulate within our organs. Those radicals are the root of many diseases and speed up our aging process, especially for skin. It is therefore necessary to help our body with antioxidants. Green tea contains two types of antioxidants – catechin and vitamin C.   Antibacterial and disinfection   Green the is an effective medicine against virus diseases or infections. Regular consumption of green tea strengthen immunity. Studies show positive influence of drinking tea against cardiovascular diseases and also a protection against atherosclerosis. We might thank once again to the antioxidants contained within the leaves of green tea. Studies also show reduction of osteoporosis and improvement of cognitive and psychomotor capabilities.

Better and healthier hair

The antioxidants contained in green tea affects the hair and the head skin. The antioxidant Epigallocatechin gallat, EGCG, supports the hair growth, Vitamins C a E, positively influence hair in its entirety. Vitamin C protects hair form UV radiation and Vitamin E restore damaged dry hair. You do not have only drink the tea you can also immerse the hear into the tea, just make sure its no hot :)

Healthier teeth

Green tea is great for your teeth. Guess what green the contain fluorine, that means that it prevents the teeth decay. In combination with the antibacterial components which destroys the dental plague. It is just a great addition to normal dental care. Also if you have a bad breath try to gargle green tea.

Green tea against cancer

Regular drinking of green tea you will be less likely susceptible to some types of cancer, especially the cancer of rectum, pancreas, large intestine, skin. Woman shall be interested in the fact that green tea also help against the breast cancer. We might once again thank to the antioxidants.

Green tea for better and quality sleep

Caffeine prevents sleeping right? Correct but it has been proven that the substances contained in green tea might help with neurological problems such as the sleep apnea. How ever it is advised not to drink green tea 4 hours prior to sleep. If you want effective sleep check out my other articles: https://steemit.com/life/@thiras/5-sleep-myths-improve-your-sleep-with-these-simple-steps


How much tea shall I drink a day?

About one litre 33 oz.

What type of tea shall I drink? 

Always drink a loose tea, never bagged, the bagged tea is just a rubbish.

How do I prepare tea?

It’s usually on the package, but never use boiling water. I will probably make a separate article on that. 


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