The grand tour of Macas, Ecuador- Catching the bus (Photography)

It's a crazy life if you ask me. 

People running here, there and all over Ecuador, hopping from bus to bus to get where they need to go. If you don’t know where you're going, then the buses can most certainly stress you out. But no worries, I will show you what it's all about. 

 If you plan to go a long distance, then it's best to buy a ticket so that things don't get confused and so that you are sure to get a seat. There is nothing worse than standing on the bus! 

This is the bus terminal where the tickets are bought. The prices are listed below.

 But if you plan to just hop the bus to the next town, don't even bother going to the terminal, just wave the bus down when they have the name of the town in the window.

These people are waiting for their bus which should arrive in any moment.

 So once you are on the bus, if there's a seat, then please sit down! Usually there will also be some people walking through with snacks to buy. Then just get comfortable for the fast ride of stopping, going and flying down the highway!

These ice creams are very good, and cheep, too. I believe the cones are 25 cents.

 If you happen to want to get off before they reach the terminal, just say so! The guy at the front will stop, calculate your bus fare and then let you off.  

These guys are last minuet bus-hoppers. 

 Its pretty fun to take the bus if you like adventures. Every time there's always something new. So tell me in the comments below, what do you think of riding buses in Ecuador? Would you ride one if you got the chance?

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