If you are afraid of Tests, don't take them!

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In 3 days I will take my last exam after a neverending academic year filled with a ton of exams and other obligations. Remembering all that I couldn't help but think how stressful lives we all live.
Every time there is a new test and every time you have to get ready in order to prevail upon the challenge, all of that for the sake of your future. Yes, I get it.
But just how much of our present are we going to sacrifice for that future. As far as I am concerned the future will become present at some moment ready to get sacrificed again. Are you gonna spend every night stressed about the next morning?
I have taken a really pessimistic approach so I think it's high time to bring up the good news.
No, you don't have to take another test in your life, and you don't have to feel miserable again during the preparation either.
Don't rush your assumptions! I am not saying you don't have to deliver that speech or go to that job interview and if you are a student by all means keep studying for your school.
I am just implying that when you do all of that you are not getting tested. Your self worth doesn't depend on some particular performance and it doesn't change overnight.
We all have felt the excitement of the triumph and the sadness of a defeat. But when you fail it just means you are not there yet but you will if you keep on track.
In the end of the day it is your choice to put all that pressure on yourself, but remember when you do that you are killing your creativity and you are draining the vitality out of you and your relationships.
Every challenge should be welcomed and should be seen as a chance to evolve, not something to be afraid of.
If you understand that you can be whoever you decide, not effortessly but with hard work and dedication then you will understand that tests can't steal anything precious from you.Neither your dignity nor your self esteem.
When you face a challenge this way the only appropriate feeling is happiness and with happiness comes productivity and ideas.
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I try to think that way and I know that it isn't always possible. But I know stress and anxiety are unhealthy and they do not lead anywhere. Don't let them govern your mind. Walk your own road, destined to your own success.
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