Kaleb, the brave warrior of our clan

Kaleb means Brave. Such a fitting name for this warrior.

At birth this warrior had hair like angels silver, spun in the heavens. He was born largest of our clan and his original name was Zebulon which means exalted dweller.

Usually our fleshly name comes first then our spiritual name but it may be that for this warrior it is the other way.

This warrior was born in the promise of dwelling as exalted in the Promised Land but after three days the name that would describe the journey came and as we would all see, this warrior would need to be BRAVE.

He was born six months apart from another clan mate, Joshua. There names not on purpose by mother's but perfectly ordered from above.

Daily our clan is strengthened by him. He walks with bravery and the mind to understand.

This boy with silver hair spun by the voices of angels began his journey of bravery when he was just 4.

In the likes of Hercules battling the Gorgon or David stopping the mouth of a lion and a bear, this warrior was set to fight his Nemesis.

However, this enemy came in a way of deception. Came it by tricking the warriors own flesh into attacking itself.

Under the cover of secrecy, in halls hidden that the boy did not know existed, this is where this attack began. Assault after assault that the boy could not percieve until the first battle was over before we knew a battle was even occuring.

In the freezing tundra of February. In the summer of this boys childhood, the boy began to vomit koolaid. An living analogy of what was about to happen to bring the warrior into battle. The innocence of childhood would be pushed out and replaced by a new road for this boy.

As the clan saw this mysterious war beginning,experts were brought in to help the clan identify this inward attacker.

Finally with scrolls of knowledge they come to reveal this monsterous villian that feeds on the likes of our warrior. This ogre's name is Type 1 diabetes and this enemies strength is hijacking ones own body to attack itself as in a fog off war.

This is where the bravery of Zebulon was truly born and Kaleb fights forth now.

The weapons of his warfare- as the warrior Kaleb is mastering are not swords and guns. They are needles that must poke him to reveal the secrets of the enemy troops moving hidden in blood. His weapons are shots that keep the enemies at bay. Wisdom is his mind to percieve right battle plans days in and out.

He is one warrior of our tribe. The Brave Warrior Kaleb with the silver strands of angel hair.

Everyday he defeats his Nemesis and wakes to fight again. Brave is he. Our clan awaits the day of stronger weapons that will for all defeat this lurking enemy.

We will win. Kaleb is an overcoimage1.pngmer.

He also has fun practicing for battle by sparing with his older brother.

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