Colds and Cough are not the most common disease. Depression and Anxiety are.


Recently, I've heard news about Kate Spade (known designer brand) and Anthony Bourdain's(Celebrity chef) death. Reason?--depression. I wonder why people suffer from this kind of mental illness. Depression is not an easy thing, same goes with anxiety. I know these very well, because I experienced it too. I was diagnosed with severe anxiety 2 years back and still in constant battle. I have panic attacks and Agoraphobia. I went into a therapist because I know I need help. I feel better after having several sessions. Years pass-- I thought I'm okay, but in an unexpected event, my panic attacks are getting worst. I reached to the point when I want to shot my head, good thing i don't own a gun.

People will not understand you. They will tell you that it is all in the mind and blah blah. It is so frustrating that people can easily tell you to calm down when you don't know how. I can't blame them though. But you know what, I tell you.. the moment I decided to restore my broken relationship with God, everything goes well. In an instant God took my fears, doubts and worries. He assured me that I am forgiven and that is my turning point. So my objective in this blog is to share a little knowledge on how to fight anxiety and depression.

How to fight anxiety and depression (based on my personal experience):

1. You need to identify the root cause of your fear. More often than not we tend to focus on 'what is happening' rather than 'why it happened'.

2. Stop living in the past. Our mind will always haunt us with our past mistakes. It's normal, but instead of paying much attention to the point where we can no longer go forward, lets rather focus on how we can improve our present lives without looking back to who we are yesterday.

3. Forgive yourself. Forgiveness is the key to happiness and you cannot give it to anyone if you cannot even forgive your past mistakes. You cannot give what you don't have. Accept your flaws. Forget your past but don't forget its lesson, it will make you stronger than you were before.

4. Don't compare your present life to others.Comparison will only give you bitterness. Life is not a race after all. We need to patiently wait when we'll gonna achieve our goals. Of course, with consistency of our actions. It takes two to tango, you have to take action to the things that you want because at what Paulo Coelho said, "when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it".

5. Eliminate toxic people.Be with the people who inspire you most. It doesn't matter if you only have one or two friends whom you can freely express what you feel, rather than to be in a group of friends who only give shallow advices and temporary comfort.

6. Pray and meditate on God's word.The most important of them all. No one can take that fear, worries and doubt except God. Be humble, admit that you cannot do it alone. Ask God's divine guidance. Submit everything to God, because your battle is not yours, its His ☝️☝️!

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