The power of habits

Would you like to have a productive day? Would you like to have a very good day? Have you ever think how the successful people and millionaires start a day?

I will present you five habits which can improve your life, even if, in fact, all depends on you.

1. Have a restful sleep of at least 6 hours

That means you have to get not too late on sleep. You can't feel good for the long term if you sleep four or five hours per night. After a while you will feel bad or even worst, you will get sick.

2. Wake up early in the morning.

The richest people and many successful people in the world have the habit of waking up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I would like to give a few examples: Tim Cook, Robin Sharma, Tony Robbins. At this time no one calls you, no one asks for your help, no one sends you a message, and no one sends you emails. This very moment is very important because today we live in a society that consumes us all the time if we do not know how to organise ourselves. It is a proverb that says: Who wakes up early morning to far reaches.


3. Do exercise in the first 2 hours of the day.

Now I'm not talking about running by tram, bus or subway. The exercises are essentials in the functioning of the entire body, so the brain can’t function well without body support. Early in the morning is the best moment to do some physical exercise and after 20-30 minutes you are ready for a new beautiful and productive day. The people who don't make exercises need 1 or 2 hours to become productive.

4. Write the reasons that you are grateful every day.

In the morning is an extraordinary moment to adjust your emotional state. If you have a balanced and confident state, it's excellent. In this list, you can mention family members, colleagues or even ordinary things that often seem self-sufficient like electricity, home, water, laptop, health.

5. Take a healthy breakfast.

The food with many protein and fiber help you to get a good start of the day. Those will give you the energy that you need. Of course and the hydration has an important role, so you should have a glass of water before to eat.


Have a productive day!

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