My husband has won rare type of cancer...

Marija Milosevic
Skopje, MK

Marija Milosevic.jpg

In his 69, Zivorad ( Milosevic – my husband), has felt very severe health ailments in the stomach area. He booked examination in the most prestigious medical institution in Ex-Yugoslavia, VMA in Belgrade. The doctors discovered that he has cancer between his colon and small intestine. They did operation, eliminated cancer cells and tissues but during the operation they also found out that he has liver metastases.

That cancer was not operated, they left him home and said that he needs to strengthen his body with healthy food. They also suggested, that he needs to come for check up in 6 months. I, as a medical officer knew, that they left him home to die. I found out forPXD Kombucha Extract and I decided I need to try. We bought bigger amount of the product.

In the beginning he drank one jar per day and later one 20 jars per month. After 6 months, he went for scheduled medical control and the doctors said there is no cancer and metastasis anymore. For me, that was miracle because he didn’t use any therapies and medicines except Kombucha Extract.

I will never forget that day, when my husband won his cancer. Since that day, me and my whole family, use regularly this magic drink. The more you use it, the healthier you are. My blood is like on a 20 years old person and I have 67 years. God Bless this company !

Source: PXDS


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