Kombucha Extract's Idila...


I Eat Kombucha Extract,
I Eat it Every day,
It Gives Me Energy
And a Vital Strength for Monday.


The liver needs Flush,
The liver cleans the Body,
Kombucha Extract does That,
So, for that Reason use it Everybody.

Immune System needs Support,
Blood needs a Cleaning,
For Our Vital Health,
Kombucha Extract gives a real Meaning.


Lungs, Intestines, Kidneys are Here,
Their Cells Need Healthy Substances,
to Stay Fit,
And for that Reason we use Kombucha Extract Kit.

The Whole Body Needs Detox,
The Bones Need Calcium,
The Soft Tissues need Copper,
And All that is in Kombucha Extract in Dosage Proper.

B - Complex Calms the Body,
Glucoronic Acid Cleans the Toxins,
L- Lactic Acid Has Anticancer Act,
And All those Matter are in Huge Amounts in Kombucha Extract & that is a Fact.


Circulation is important,
Magnesium is a Heart's Muscle Best Buddy,
Iron is a Hidden Treasure,
And All that is in Kombucha Extract in great Measure.

My Kid Use It, My Husband, My Friend,
Everybody Have Good Balance
And That Fact Everybody Understand.

P.S. Stay Healthy, Be Healthy to Think Healthy...!


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