My secrets to keeping in shape. 分享一个保持身材的秘密。




Some people say, exercising and keeping a good physique is like giving yourself the best luxury good.




I agree, regular exercise is indeed the best way of maintaining a good physique. Most guys who go to the gym, do so to build muscle. But, most girls go to the gym to lose fat, shape up and tone, ultimately making their figures more sexy. But there are so many other great benefits to exercise, such as; improved heart function, better circulatory system, fat burn, improved lung capacity, lowered blood pressure and overall improvement in cardiovascular function. All of these also combat the effects of aging.
没错,健身是保持身材最好的方法。男生健身的目的是为了练出一身肌肉。但是女生健身的目的大概是为了减少脂肪,让身体看着健美而性感。 运动的好处有很多,锻炼心肺,增强循环系统功能,燃烧脂肪,加大肺活量,降低血压,延缓衰老等等。



From a young age, i've always enjoyed different kinds of dancing. Whether it's ballet, or a more modern flavour such as jazz, all are really good fun. I've never had a break in dancing, and I persist in going to the gym regularly, so think these maybe some of the reasons that i've never been overweight in my life.





Many people find it hard to motivate themselves to exercise because their work life is too busy. However, neglecting exercise can negatively impact us in many ways. For instance, our vitality, exercise helps us to maintain good energy levels which is also important in maintaining a strong immune system. Exercise can help us to avoid becoming ill and catching colds on a regular basis. Apart from keeping us in good health, exercise also allows us to mold our physiques the way we want. It's a good to feel great wearing your clothes!



I attend a dance studio nearly every day where I attend classes in many different styles of dance. As mentioned before, Ballet but also styles like Latin, and even Pole Dancing.
Aside from dancing, I also exercise at the gym where running and swimming are my staple exercises but I also train using weight machines quite often. I feel like everytime I exercise, my mood is suddenly up-lifted and I feel a much stronger sense of happiness.
Another good thing i've found about exercise, is that it helps regulate my skin and keep it good. Sweating from exercise opens up the skin pores and helps to pass out the dirt trapped inside the pores. After I wash away the sweat, my skin feels like it can breathe and looks very clean!




Many girls, especially girls from Asia are afraid to train with weights for fears of looking like an entire body of muscle. In the eyes of most people in China,skinny is considered beautiful so it is difficult to change their point of view regarding women with muscles. However, training with weights and growing big muscles is a fallacy because for a girl to build large muscles requires even more effort than a man (around 7 times more effort!). The main reason is just hormones, a girl has much less testosterone than a man, and this is the hormone responsible for building muscle.
Another common misconception amongst girls is that they are already skinny, so there isn't a need for them to go to the gym or do any exercise. This of course is the wrong attitude to have, as we know, body fat isn't just the fat in the skin, but also the fat in the internal organs and arteries which a large accumulation can lead to severe health problems.



Here are some interesting things you might not know..
90% of the marathon runners have very skinny fore-legs. So, girls, don't worry about your legs becoming big from running!
Every 1kg you gain, your knees have to support an equivalent of 3kg extra whilst walking, and 10kg extra whilst running.
Around 80% of people already sign up to a gym. However, for whatever reasons, being work, or other commitments, only 20% of that 80% regularly use the gym.
Every extra 1kg of muscle you gain, will help to burn an additional 110Kcals of energy per day!


So i'm calling out to all my friends on Steemit, aside from writing great posts, and spending time reading other's content. Make some time to go exercise and make it a lifestyle decision. Having a healthy body with a healthy lifestyle can only be a good thing.


Did you know, that the strongest muscle in our body is the heart? A healthy person's heart can beat up to 220 - age beats per minute. So, lets all make our hearts pump faster!


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