Saturday Futsal in Kuala Lumpur



Every Saturday at 12 o´clock it is Soccer time :)

Well, here in Malaysia people call it Futsal instead of soccer, whenever it´s happening in a smaller court. But that´s just a minor detail to this fun event, which is happening every single Saturday close to the KL Twin Towers.

It was almost at the very beginning, when I signed up for Internations, a social media for Expats all around the world. It connects people from abroad, who got the same destination in their life adventure :) So next to some special events and parties in Kuala Lumpur I was as well able to find a group organizing regular soccer events.

Going there the first time I was really curious on who will be there, whether it will be some people I can connect with and have some fun. As I was new to the city this was an important step for me to get connected, so I won´t be too lonely :)

Yeah and what shall I say, it was awesome. All the guys there are just really relaxed and fun to hang out with. Some of them got some real skills in the game as well (Okay, I guess compared to myself everyone is a good Player :D). So since back then I´m joining the happening whenever possible and got some pictures from behind the scenes for you for sure.


Like I said, Pictures from behind the scenes :) Unfortunately the net is covering the view a little but you should get an idea what´s happening and how the court looks.



Follow me @Starflyer-9000
(A happy Steemian from Germany, living in Kuala Lumpur, travelling the World!)

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