[Travel ling] 「英國後花園」之城——坎特伯里 的交流生活 Exchange Life in 'the Backyard of the UK' - Canterbury - (中文/ENG) by @connieleung

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Original text/原文如下:

 談到英國,大家都會不約而同想到耳熟能詳的倫敦、牛津等城市,這些比較繁華的地區固然吸引,但大家會否想發掘其他隱世地方,了解風土人情呢?今次會帶大家遊覽擁有「英國後花園」之稱的肯郡,我今年上半年曾到肯郡的其中一個城市渡過半年的交流生活,相信大家都很想了解我居住的城市是什麼樣子的?!事不宜遲,馬上帶大家遊歷我居住的肯郡城市——坎特伯里。(上一篇: 我在英國的半年交流生活 )

Talking about the United Kingdom, most of us would associate it with popular cities like London and Oxford. Despite of their attractiveness, have you thought of exploring hidden gems in the UK and understand more about their local cultures and history? I’m going to show you all the ‘the Backyard of the UK’ - Kent County, where one of its cities had been my home during my half-year exchange life in the first half of this year. You all may be curious about the city right? Let’s go to Kent and visit it - Canterbury! (Last blog: My Half-year Exchange Life in UK)


‘The Backyard of the UK’, represents the comfortable and relaxing environment and slow living in Kent County. Therefore it is a popular vacation spots to British holidaymakers! Whitstable, the oyster harvesting coastal town, and Dover, the town near a harbour where you can go to Paris by ferry, are also in Kent County!


Canterbury is one of the UK’s ancient city with strong religious influence. Not only was it the cradle of Christianity which was first introduced into there in UK, it was once a place of Roman settlements. It takes 2 hours to get to there from London. You’re then able to explore this historical city where you may visit some of the UNESCO World Heritages, including the Canterbury Cathedral, St Augustine's Abbey and St.Martin's Cathedral!

沿著主要道路University Road 和 St. Dunstans Street 一直走就可以去到巿中心。夾道兩旁的房屋整齊地排列著,春天時每戶人家的繁花盛開,這美妙景致讓我感到無比溫暖。

Walked along the main roads - University Road and St. Dunstans Street - to reach the city center. Houses line both sides of the street. In spring beautiful flowers blossom, the magnificent view made me feel incredibly warm.

轉入St. Dunstans Street 前看到這間教堂,英文名為The Parish Church of Saint Dunstan with Holy Cross。

Saw this church before walking onto St. Dunstans Street, named The Parish Church of Saint Dunstan with Holy Cross.


Driven by curiosity, I pushed the door and walked inside, a sense of solemnity pervaded inside, no one presented. It was guardless, probably people believe that worshippers still behave even when they are alone.


The church enabled me to feel the spirits of peace and harmony. Talked to God, wrote my feelings on a register on a desk.


A classical UK’s red telephone box stood sharply opposite to the church. Heard that all telephone boxes are going to be replaced by black ones, with networking devices. Time to say goodbye to these era-marking signature products apparently!


Noticed all cars halted on the road, I knew a train is coming! 

坎特伯里火車站分別有東站和西站之分,而西站的火車軌道正好橫跨大馬路St. Dunstans Street 。火車駛過時,安全防柵會落下,阻止車輛和行人經過,行人可以等待或是經行人隧道通過。當初第一次遇到時感到很興奮、新奇,過後就反而怕遇到時要停下等待,我果然是急性子的香港人哈哈!

Canterbury railway station has got two stations - East and West, railways of the latter one crosses the main road - St. Dunstans Street. When a train passes by, the safety fence will stop cars and pedestrians from crossing the road, pedestrians may either wait or use the subway. The first experience was exciting and new to me, afterwards I disliked coming across a train that made me pause and wait. I’m a 100% Hongkonger - gets impatient easily HAHA! 


Here came the giant tall Westgate, like two solemn soldiers standing side by side, protecting this place. The Westgate of the city wall is of 18 meters high, being the last well-preserved survivor of Canterbury's seven medieval gates. Built in 1380, it is the largest surviving city gate in England. I’ll show you the view there later on the wall path.

西門旁邊是沿Great Stour河畔的西門花園,環境優美,可以看到河上撐船的船夫的身影。

Westgate Gardens is situated along the River Great Stour beside the Westgate. Lovely environment. You can see a boatman punting.


I loved watching the movement of floating water weeds underwater, in spring I could also see beautiful flowers in different colours.

過了西門,一條寬長的行人大道映入眼簾。這裡就是巿中心和商業區,林立著五花八門的商店,食肆佔多數,普遍於晚上6時左右關門。基本上這裡可以滿足大家的生活需求。我和小伙伴每次都省錢吃Burger King 或 Subway,還嚐過一次有名的Nando’s,卻覺得不怎過人哈哈!

After the Westgate, a long wide avenue came into sight. Here is the center and commercial area of the city, where a variety of shops cluster - mainly restaurants - they close at around 6pm. Basically you can satisfy all your needs here. I and my buddies ate either Burger King or Subway everytime to save money. Tried the well-known Nando’s, fair enough with no surprises hahah!

坎特伯里既為一個英國宗教聖城,也遺留了眾多古羅馬帝國時期遺跡。14世紀英國作家傑弗里 ‧ 喬叟也寫了為人津津樂道的坎特伯里故事集。一切令坎特伯里打造成為一個熱門的旅遊城市。這條大街是普遍遊客蹓躂的地方,周末時更熱鬧繁榮,可以看到很多流動攤檔擺賣有趣的精品,更有迷你兒童遊樂場設施,如旋轉咖啡杯!

As a sacred city in the UK, Canterbury is also a site of ancient Roman remains. In the 14th century, Geoffrey Chaucer, an English poet, also wrote ‘The Canterbury Tales’ which is best known today. All of these shape Canterbury as a popular tourist city. This avenue is where you can find most tourists strolling, it's more bustling here on weekends. Lots of stores selling interesting goods, and mini children’s play facilities, such as the Spinning Teacups, are seen!

這裡有一個建於1899年的巿政建築物,外型古典優雅,好像是從哈利波特的年代穿越過來嘻嘻!有次好奇走進去,看到畫展,也找到有圖書可供借閱,亦有一個旅客服務中心可以查閱肯郡的遊覽資訊。原來,它叫The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge,集博物館、圖書館和畫廊於一身!

This is a civic building built in 1899, with a classical elegant outlook, as if it was time travelled from the era of Harry Potter hehe! Once walked in curiously, saw a gallery and found public books for rent, also a visitor information center that provides travelling information of Kent County. In fact, this building is named ‘The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge’, includes a museum, library and gallery.


Saw a bookshelf categorizing ‘World Wars’ for the first time!! Overwhelmed by thrill and surprise! Given that I had understood more about history of world wars lately.


Borrowed a fiction of an interesting theme. It is about the main character woke up one day and realized that the earth began to slow down its rotation - a so-called ‘slowing’ effect. Days and lights were prolonged and all creatures were affected consequently, so were the interpersonal relationships...


Next, I’m going to show you a distinctive landmark of Canterbury - Canterbury Cathedral! In 597, the missionary Augustine was appointed by Pope Gregory the Great to preach here and so Christianity was introduced into Canterbury. He also became the first Archbishop of Canterbury. Founded in 597, the cathedral was completely rebuilt from 1070 to 1077.

坎特伯里大教堂還曾發生一件著名的歷史事件,就是1170年時坎特伯里大主教托馬斯 ‧ 貝克特被國王亨利二世謀殺,兩人因為宗教和政權的關係逐漸產生矛盾。

A widespread historical event took place in the Canterbury Cathedral - the murder of Thomas Becket the Archbishop of Canterbury by King Henry I in 1170. Conflicts had arisen from their dissenting views in religion and political regimes. 


So fortunate that free entry was granted as a Kent student. Stayed for more than an hour. The cathedral was gorgeous! The solemnity highlighted its significant religious status.


Enjoyed the singing of the choir, purged my soul.


Wandered around the streets, stumbled across the Canterbury Roman Museum. The Romans had lived in Canterbury. Didn’t go inside, for I knew I would visit Rome soon. Another reason was to save money. Hahha!


Fruitful were my experiences in Canterbury, I’ve to pause here first, and will bring you all to visit other attractive sites in the next blog, to explore the city of ‘UK’s Backyard’!

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Do you like Canterbury? Please upvote and follow me if you like this blog. Thank you! Stay tuned for the next blog!


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Author @connieleung, Posted By @someone

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