How to avoid kidney infections.


I came to the realization that many people died of kidney problems in 2017 and that inspired me to write this article. Kidney problem don't just happen all of a sudden, they come as a result of some bad health habits which can be avoided. You know I have a good heart and I want my fellow steemians to be in good health. 😃

The best way to prevent a kidney infection is to keep your bladder and urethra free from bacteria.
These self-help tips explain how you can do this.

  1. Drink plenty of liquids: Drinking plenty of liquids, particularly water, will help to wash bacteria from your bladder and urinary tract. There are other liquids but I always prefer water.

2.Toilet tips:To help keep your urinary tract free from bacteria go to the toilet as soon as you feel the need to urinate, rather than holding it in. What!!! I'm so guilty of this, never knew it was such a thing till now.
*Wipe from front to back after going to the toilet.
*Practice good hygiene by washing your genitals every day and before having sex
*Empty your bladder after having sex. Seriously?? Never knew that.
*If you're a woman, avoid "hovering" over a toilet seat as this position can often leave urine behind in the bladder. Ladies take note.

3.Treat constipation: Constipation can increase your chances of developing a urinary tract infection, so try to treat any constipation promptly. This is very important.

  1. Be careful with contraceptives: If you keep getting Urinary Tract Infections (more than three a year is considered high), avoid using spermicide-coated condoms or diaphragms. This is because spermicide can stimulate the production of bacteria.
    Stick to lubricated condoms without spermicide, because unlubricated ones can irritate the urethra and make it more vulnerable to infection.
    This is the few I could gather. Stay healthy famz.
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