*Travel Memories - Barcelona II*

I have posted a lot about Barcelona in the last few weeks because it´s  place you need to visit. So many open minded people, great weather, best food, the beautiful beach, architecture and a lot more. 

I feel like that the Barcelona series need to come to an end, thats why I wanted to post my last experiences to have a great cut. I dont want to talk too much because the pictures will talk enough....

For everyone who havent seen the first part - click here 


I often told you about the Tibidabo mountain and the experiences we had there. Here is some footage for everyone who havent seen any of these mountain pictures.

If you read my last post, you already know how beautiful our hotel looked like...

Guys, this ice-cream was amazing! @mrs.steemit chose Hershey´s cookies n cream and Melone. I went for Kinder Joy ice-cream and cheesecake which was incredible good!

This was Barcelona at 5.30 AM while we experienced a night without having a home....

When I am flying in a plane, I wish my seats beside the window...

Many of you already saw the design of this swimming pool but I still love the view over Barcelona!


I hope you enjoyed the last post about Barcelona. It was such an amazing trip and I cannot wait to fly back again!

Stay focused

Love, Soldier

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