*Travel Memories - Barcelona*

Barcelona is such a beautiful place, that we decided to stay longer than expected. We experienced a lot of crazy adventures and I really want to share some moments with you...

Moments are so important to me because when I look at old pictures, I have always the feeling like I was there for a second. 

The following picture was taken in our dream hotel above the clouds.  @sirwinchester postet about the dream resort. 

The Hotel is named "Grand Hotel La Florida" and is located at the top of the Tibidabo Mountain in Barcelona. I love architecture and design in general. This hotel reached far above my expectations! 

This spot was located directly beside the La Florida Hotel. We were able to see the whole city from above!


This picture was taken at the outdoor pool after we had dinner. ( @agent - @mrs.steemit - @sirwinchester - @soldier )

Here you see @mrs.steemit and I going on board.

Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. – Ibn Battuta

It´s so crazy how many adventures happened throughout the day which was definitely unexpected! We are going to tell you more in the future posts...

But as many of my followers already know - I am a big quote lover so I want to share some quotes with you

The life you have led doesn’t need to be the only life you have. – Anna Quindlen

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page. – Saint Augustine

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. – Mark Twain

The NBA Café in La Rambla is for sure a place to go. The floor is designed like a basketball  field and they build up figures that show how tall the most popular players are!

While we walked through the streets of Barcelona, @sirwinchester discovered a special wall. Its called "El món neix en cada beside". The theme was "Moments of freedom". He also wrote an interesting article about it. 

One time, @mrs.steemit, @agent and I found a small café that offered macaroons with ice-cream. it tasted so good but the problem was the weather. It was so hot this evening, that the ice-cream melted away....


Thank you to everyone who always take time to read and comment under all my posts! I read all the comments and appreciate your time! The last few days were pretty busy thats why I haven't posted a lot and been absent for a while. Now I have the work mood on and I will take more time to answer your lovely comments !

Stay focused

Love, Soldier

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