Natural Beauty Hacks | For Men & Women

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. - Confucius

People strive for the perfect look. Society made us think that others only accept us if we look good. I can tell as often as I want that beauty comes from within and only if you feel good about yourself, you will shine from the inside out. But why do we search for matching clothes? Why do we look in the mirror to check our hair before we leave the house? Why do men shave their beards and women wear make-up? I am asking all those question to get to one simple answer. Because people speculate what others think of them. We all want to look great especially at a first impression. We want to look groomed, happy, glowing and radiate positive energy. I believe that it doesnt matter how you look as long as your soul is beautiful but why dont we strive for having both? Beauty and a good soul? 

Of course you should be pure with yourself, feel great from the inside out and love who you are to make your true beauty bring to light.

I often try to influence you in creating the best version of yourself. Now it´s time to do something for your outer beauty and health! I wont talk about make-up and stuff like that. I am going to show you some natural beauty hacks made for men & women! 

Although beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, the feeling of being beautiful exists solely in the mind of the beheld. - Martha Beck

You might have noticed that many trends such as food trends, face masks etc are switching over to the natural side which I really recommend. Your body is a natural product as well and why should be contaminate our shell with artificial substances? 

Well I hope you enjoy the following beauty hacks and maybe want to try out few of them....

Greasy Hair?

If you have greasy hair just add 2-3 tablespoons of cooking salt or even better sea salt to your favorite shampoo and the roots of your hair will stay clean longer!

Want Longer And Thicker Lashes?

For all the ladies out here, do not throw away the empty bottle of your mascara. Wash it thorough and mix 1/4 aloe | 1/4 castor oil | 1/2 vitamin E together and apply it with the matching brush to your lashes every night before you go to bed for a whole month. 

Dark Circles Under The Eyes

We all use to have some short night throughout the year and nothing feels worse than feeling tired and having dark circles under the eyes. If you like coffee, please to not throw away the coffee ground. Put it under your eyes and it will keep you fresh. I would also recommend to mix it with coconut oil in a 1:1 solution and apply this mask 3-4 times a week.

Stronger Nails 

In order to have stronger nails just do a 1:1 mix of coconut oil and honey and add some lavender oil to it. Apply it as a nail polish and this will strengthen your nails for sure!

Black Heads

Who is also annoyed by the pesky bleak heads mostly in the nose and chin area? Well, here is the perfect natural wonder mask to solve this problem. Just mix a teaspoon of warm water, 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 teaspoon of honey together. Dip a pad or anything similar into the mixture and apply it to the problem area for 10-15 minutes. 

Drink Water

I believe this is the best and healthiest beauty trick that has ever existed! Do you want glowy, healthy looking skin? Are you tired of dry lips? Does you skin peel off at some areas? Well, drinking water is the solution! Water hydrates your skin better than any other cream or face masks. It comes from the inside which makes your skin glowing as well! But drinking water has so many more healthy benefits so you should drink at least 2 liters everyday!


I think that there is nothing prettier than a natural true smile! It shows confidence, happiness and positivity which works like a magnet towards people that are around you. 

Whitening Your Teeth

Do you ever dreamed of white teeth? Well, this is possible without paying hundreds of dollars at the dentist or using some artificial substances in your mouth. Mix 1 TSP of grated strawberries and 1 teaspoon of baking soda together and use this paste instead of tooth paste twice a month. 

Rose Water

If you havent using rose water, you are missing out something in your beauty routine. Documents from the ancient Egyptians show they used rose water on their skin far back as 3500 B.C.

The Romans noticed it´s amazing moisturizing properties and would use it on their skin during harsh winters but in modern times rose water is found in many beauty products because of it´s calming effect and it helps irritated skin as well. 


This might not be a natural beauty hack but I think I should mention it too since almost everyone of us uses deodorant wrong. When do you apply the deodorant? Maybe after the shower? In the morning? Or right after doing sports? Well this is totally wrong. Deodorant actually needs time to seal your sweat glands before they start sweating. Apply it in the evening before going to bed allows it to do that. But when you apply it in the morning, probably already sweating, it defeats the purpose of deodorant. 


I still want to mention that true beauty comes from within! Only if you feel comfortable in your skin, you are able to show beauty from the inside out. 

Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical. - Sophia Loren

I hope you enjoyed reading about this topic. 

Let me know if you want to see more hacks like this in the future. 

Thanks for reading

Stay focused

Love, Soldier

*source - 1  | 2  | 3  | 4  | 5 | 6 | 7

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