How To Trick Your Mind - Chapter 7

Today I listed 5 ways on how to trick your brain into doing what you want ...

How to trick your mind is a series of mine where I usually write about specific topics on how to live a better and healthier life. Its so easy to trick your mind if you know how to do it. 

We are getting influenced by posters, magazines, advertisements, TV, radio and of course by the web every day. They make the decision on what to eat, what to drink, what to read, what to watch and even what to think sometimes. Now I will give you 5 ways how to trick your brain into doing what YOU want !

Realize that the world doesnt revolve around you

Our brains force us to be self-centered and this can be detrimental. You probably think that you´re never wrong, you are great at everything you do. You think you are just unlucky if bad things happen or that the other lanes at the checkout are moving faster than yours, am I right? But in reality, most of this couldnt be further from the truth. This is one area of your brain that tries to trick you and unfortunately there is no way to trick your mind back. Just be aware of the phenomena and so you wont fall prey to them as often as you do now. 

Be Happy

When I first started this series I also wrote about this topic a whole post. Being happy is for me the major key in life. There isnt more success or more goals than pure happiness ! Happiness comes within you so start imagine to shine through the inside out. Smiling helps a lot. Even if you are sad, chilled or whatever, try to smile and the situation will get a lot better than before !

Save money instead of blowing it

Saving money is a lot harder than it should be. We are trained to spend all our money on unnecessary things. For example on many bags and clothes. As soon as we hold cash in our hands we are going to think "On what can I spend such a high amount of money next?" And now I will tell you the problem about it. Your brain gets used to all that money and forgets very fast how life was without the money. If you arent strong enough to stay against this pressure, you could easily send the money to any savings account you would like.

Make friends instead of enemies

I have learned that every emotion you send out into the universe will come straight back to you! Before you judge people try to understand their way of life. People make mistakes. Thats why its not an argument to make enemies instead of friends.

Make your day last longer instead of wondering where it went

No matter how productive you are in a day, it always seems like there arent enough hours before bedtime. Try to change up your daily routine. The more information your brain has, the more time it feels has passed. So in order to have "longer days" present your brain with new informations regularly. Keep learning, meet new people ( Strangers ), You will be surprised about the quick difference...

They say that age is all in your mind. The trick is keeping it from creeping down into your body. 

I hope this could help you!

Thanks for reading 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier

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