How To Get Up In The Morning #BecomeHealthy

I´ve read so many comments below my recent post that my readers are waiting for a next #BecomeHealthy episode. I´ve been on this journey for exactly 20 days now and my results are pretty great. My body is felling better than ever and even my mind got stronger just like a mind of a soldier should be, right?  

I´ve always been trying to create content which my followers will like. I try to answer as many comments as possible and respond to almost every question on Steemit chat. In the last few days I got a request to write an article about how to get up in the morning because many people struggle by getting up early. I need to say that I have been a morning person when I was a child. I was the first one in the house who woke up in the morning at 6 AM in most cases, no matter what time I went to bed the last night. I still remember the mornings where I read some books or turned on my Nintendo DS to play some games before everyone else woke up.  It was actually a great things because it was no stress for me to wake up early to go to school. I was always awake on my own and didnt need an alarm. I was never late at school but being a morning person didn´t last for a long time... 

I can not remember when things got twisted but as soon as I grew up, I became a late riser but only because I started to stay up late at night. But since I am used to be on time in the morning, I literally have no problem at all to get up early if I have an important appointment or meeting. It is just a matter of your mindset. I do not drink any coffee or caffeine in general. I wake up, eat a little breakfast, get ready and start the day. I have no big secret it is just the way how I was raised. But of course I have some tips and tricks for you. 


1. Good Sleep

In order to get up in the morning and feel refreshed, you definitely need a good sleep. By good, I mean 7-9 hours of constantly sleeping. Your body needs to rest especially if your job is physically demanding or if your sitting in front of a screen the whole day. But be careful, even too much sleep isn´t good for you.

Sleep plays an important role in the brain, as the brain clears out waste byproducts, balances neurotransmitters and processes memories at rest. At both short and long extremes, rest may have an effect on mood and mental health.

2. Strengthen Your Mindset

Sometimes I feel like just staying in bed and cancel my appointments in order to close my eyes and go back to my dreamworld. Even my body feels exhausted like I carried a big truck all by myself. But my mind is the biggest motivation and I think you are capable to do A N Y T H I N G in this world if you believe in yourself and do not let negativity come towards you. When I have a meeting or need to get up early in general, I just think in my head that it is important for me to get up and this is what makes me successful and always on time! My mind is stronger than my body!

3. Prepare A Nice Meal Or Lay Down Clothes For The Next Morning

I love to prepare something for the next morning that will get me excited. It could be a nice meal, beautiful clothes or whatever comes into your mind. I just feel much more energized if something great is waiting for me...


4. Turn Lights On As Soon As Your Up

When you turn on the lights, you signalize your body that the day has already started which will give you a boost of energy. 

5. Do Not Snooze

People invented a "great" function which is called the snooze button. It is actually the worst invention for people who have problems in getting up in the morning. Whatever you do, please don´t go back to sleep once you´re awake. It can restart your sleep cycle and make you feel groggy for hours. There is actually an app which charges you 1$ every time you hit the snooze button. So please keep in mind that you should get up immediately after you heard your alarm ringing, at least this is what I do.

I hope these tips could help you a little bit. Before I close down and end this article, I want you to decide what you want to learn about next...

Food? Exercises? Tips & Trick? Whatever you like, feel free to write it down in the comment section below. 

Thank you for reading

Stay focused

Love, Soldier 

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