The Art of Forgiveness


It's tough being a human, we all certainly make mistakes. One of the greatest signs of an evolved human being is the ability to have compassion for others and to forgive them for what we percieve as transgressions against us.

It truly is our ability to peacefully harmonize with others that forgiveness delivers each time we are willing to bring it into our being.

Meditating and eating well will allow a cleaner state of being that will enable a more in-touch empathetic state which will ultimately lead to having a greater sense of forgiveness not just for others, but most importantly forgiveness for ourselves.

It is ok we make mistakes, it is ok that we learn or do not learn from them. Ideally we learn from them, but forgive anyways if we do not.

Everything is ok, we must be accepting of all of our flaws if we are to take full joy of our truimphs and tribulations.


Thank you for reading and blessings on your journey. May forgiveness find your heart whenever it is needed. Namaste

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