How to get rid of a cellphone addiction....or help your children get rid of a cellphone or ipad!

If you are holding your cell phone every 5 minutes, or going to the toilet with your cell phone, and have the cell phone next to your bed and look at it after you wake up, then you are addicted! Yes that's right, that's a addiction what could latterly have huge consequences on your health and social life.


This addiction might seems harmless, but it can hurt you on different ways. It might be even worst then drinking or drugs, because with that you can see the danger, and you only need to stop using what is feeding the addiction. But with cell phones is different, because the addiction could be from different things.

Like you could get addicted to making selfies, lol yes it's truth because you will get rewarded with dopamine when someone like your post, but you will also punish yourself if you dont get the likes what you had in mind, this can lead to depression, what again could you damage your immune system and make vulnerable for diseases. So you need to be aware of your own inner reward system in your brain, before using a facebook type of social media platform, or people should join Steemit!

So the fake social media platforms on the internet, can be easily entered threw your phone, what create a fake social media community, where everyone thinks to know everyone but at the end, just play along in a fake environment. This is going out with friends lately.


Or did you noticed the children nowadays with Ipads and cell phones... look at this, this is just insane and il bet we all see it all over the world. ( Western countries then)


And it seems to get worst, i see little kid of 2 year's knowing how to use a cell phone or Ipad??? This means if we go on like this then i would not be surprised if it would be like this.


So we can't let that happen, or else the next generation will get major problems, because the main problem around cell phones is the chemical stuff what you see with your own eyes. You can't even feel it, it's a silent messenger of the dead, what will deliver cancer and many more diseases. And we thank that to the radiation what is coming from WIFI and cell phones and cell phone towers.

And now like with everything, they are already working on a upgrade for the cell phone network, were more radiation will be used to make the energy stronger than before. What on the end will be bad for us. This means at the end, we are sitting in a world what we have created, we the public created the demands for cell phones, and if we go on like this, then our children or us must paid the price for it. Unless we change our demands, what will create a different world.


So the change is to be aware of the surroundings and what you are doing in your life. Like is it true that you use your cell phone to much? If so, then for what? For watching facebook, or any other old skool social media platform? Then consider this that those companies are making money on you, by selling your personal information. Now do you want that? If not then use your cell phone for other things, like Steemit, and then make a strategy about when you want to go on Steemit. Prepare a coffee or tea and then take that moment and after your done, put down that phone.

Just keep in mind that you were only rewarding yourself after looking at all those likes, you got from people. That means, the feeling you got after you got rewarded was not because of them, it was because of you. And the same strategy could be used on other things as well, on subjects what is more healthy for your or the community. Now this might look easy or difficult maybe, but keep this in mind, you don't need to know everything what others do, it's not needed. And you don't need any like from someone else on facebook, its not needed either. You only need to like yourself and that's it!!

A selfie is looking in the mirror and say, i look fucking good and then move on with the confident that you conquer the world!! Because there is no other you ,only you!! And there for you don't need anyone to tell you that you are beautiful, good, nice, perfect or what ever. And if free yourself from the opinion of others, then you will feel like superman, nothing can you, and then you will see that social media like facebook, is just nonsense!! its only to be connected with your family, because they don't understand steemit yet. So i hope you get my point here, that you or me don't need to be active on those fake social media platforms. We should focus on steemit and make this successful.


Now i completely understand that a cell phone is nice for the music, to watch a movie while waiting for the bus, to look up the map while driving, to let your kid play a game while you are busy saving the world, i know i know. But keep this in mind, there was a time when there was no cell phone, and we still manage to live threw it. So we can use the cell phone but learn to know our boundaries, this means, you need to find a balance in using a phone, and its starts with you because your children will copy what they see. If you play whole day with your cell phone, then what do you think your children will do? You feel me, you need to show the right example! So here are some steps what you could take towards a healthier life.

  1. Remove every connection from your cell phone to one of your system in your home, like the lights or music and movies, and yes its easy but its not about easy. It's about doing the right thing!

  2. Make a schedule about when you want to use your phone and try it out on a half day first and then the next day again and that for a week long. If you succeeded then make a schedule for a full day until you succeed. Remember make sure that the schedule for your phone must be for useful subjects, no facebook crap.

  3. Don't use a cell phone near or in front of your kids.

  4. Don't put your phone near your head.

  5. Remove Wifi from your home, and place only wires. Yes it might suck but the connection is better and you will get a cleaner home.

  6. Put more plants in your home and try to make a schedule to walk in a park once a week and at least for minimal one hour.

  7. Instead of learning more about technology, focus more on nature.

  8. Move more in house and out of house, and make a goal about every move you make, even if you want to make a cup of tea. That is to rise your dopamine level in your brain, what will make you even sharper and wiser, and learn the same logic to your children, that will make them more confident and creative!


At the end of the day, your life is in your own hands, and it's up to you to make it healthier or not. But you must realize that a cell phone seems harmless, but it can be very dangerous. And you should be aware of it and do not see it like a joke, or else you will pay the price for it.

And you might wounder what to do if your children are already used of cellphones?


Children are smart and very intelligent, and what they need is awareness. They need to understand the danger of using the cell phone to much, and they need help to understand that. Another point is, you need to find a different goal for your children and then use the cell phone to reward them. Do not forget, you as parent have the real power over them, they have no power over you. Children only learned how to manipulate the parents, by doing some actions to get what they want. And if you have given them a cellphone in the past, then it might be difficult to remove that. There for you should use the power of removing the cell phone in your benefit, and use it to reward them after they understand how to use it properly.

The main goal is to learn them how to use technology in a mature way, or else they can lose them self and you can lose your kid, or your kid will lose his social friends. Because children needs to play outside, run around, they need to make mistakes, get in argument with other kids, or even make a fight and then learn how to make friends again. They can only learn that outside and they need education for when they are adult. Or else your kid will sit behind his ipad or cell phone all day without the experience of life, and you as parent are responsible for that.

The last thing you want is, that your children have no real friends and don't even know how to be social with you or with others. And you as parent have that power in your hands, by showing your children the right example.

This means, interact more with your children.
Don't use your cell phone while you are with your children.
Make short trips with your children and let them do something where it would be needed to interact with you or others.
Tell children the truth about cellphones, that they give radiation and that they were made by poor people in Asia!~
And last, teach your children how to use the reward system in their brains, to generate dopamine.

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That saying, if you have problems with any addiction, then you should change the goals of your life, what will lead to the same reward system in your brain. So i hope this post was usefull in any way, and that it can bring awareness to the next generation. Because i don't need to explain what we all see around us, all those children sitting all day behind a phone. Or look at adults, or a group of friends when they go out for dinner or party, and then act like people are social. But most of the time it's all fake.

Some people even create scenarios to make pictures, or be on a party with others and only smile and say only how are you and talk about the birds and the bees, while some have major issues. But if there is no real communication then people can't find out what is going on, and there for when people are together, they should put their cell phones away. And look in each other eyes and then say what is on your mind or say his problem or simply say the truth.

That is the world we live in today, and this world was completely different 20 years ago, then imagine how it will be over 20 years if our generation don't do anything about it? I don't even want to think about it, but im convinced that technology should be used to improve our lives and not to enslave us to make more money, that should stop Asap! And now with cryptocurrency that world can be created, but then the cell phone must be used for our benefit and not against us.

The point is, to be aware of who or what you are, and make your children more aware of what we humans are, and that we need people to communicate to learn and grow towards a happier and healthier life! The key is to known yourself, and use yourself in the best way possible, and learn your children to know them self to! We should not use technology to keep our children busy, because that will backfire big time one day! Best is to use the free time what you have with your children, and prepare them for the future! Good luck and Thanks for reading!

For more information about how to get rid of cellphone addiction, can be found below here!


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