Budget Product photography Tips

Product photography is most important for eCommerce store owner. high-quality images of every product is key of success.
Organizing a product photo shoot can be difficult for the first time, But the more you practice, the more things will go level of ease, let’s take a look at how to conduct a successful shoot.



You don’t have to buy a high budget camera or lenses. You can can start with any normal camera or mobile. I am using low budget camera Nikon COOLPIX L820 for my product shoot.


Choosing your background is very very important because it will helps in post-processing. You can mount a white paper from the vertical to the horizontal plane. we should avoid the sharp edges of a corner where light bounces around because it makes difficult to capture depth and contours in the background. you can also buy some craft paper and mount it over a table. White backdrop is is important for good results.



Lighting is one of the most important for good photography. Natural light is best. Place table next to a very large window for good amount of light and soft shadow. Never use direct sunlight, it’s too harsh and will create dark shadows.For artificial lights you can use two identical softbox.

                         Image processing:

mostly lighting or the background are not perfect so and editing is required. Post-processing can be used for background removal, color correction, mannequin removal, and shadow additions for realistic look. DSCN3020.JPG

                                      My few click:

These photographs has taken by me for my company Fashius private limited for uploading on Flipkart and Amazon eCommerce website using Nikon COOLPIX L820






This is Original Content By @shayan143
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