Small Town in U.S. To Join The "High Life"

Small Town in U.S. To Join The "High Life"

Nipton, California is now owned by one of the nation's largest cannabis companies in the U.S.  

Nipton, California, may not have been on your list of tour sites, but if you like marijuana, it may make it on your list.  

American Green, Inc., has announced it will buy all 80 acres of Nipton, Ca. for a dismal (dizzying?) $5 million dollars. The town, founded in February 9, 1905 during the "gold rush", boasts an old west-style hotel, a handful of houses, an RV park, a coffee shop, and solar farm, calling it  "an energy-independent, cannabis-friendly hospitality destination."

American Greed reportedly wants to expand the solar farm, sell "cannabis infused bottled water", and is reaching out to edibles manufacturers and other pot-based businesses to to see if they're interested on locating there too, bringing jobs.

"What's old is new again"

The old adage holds true. The town which experienced a real downer may just experience the "high life" now. Nipton may get the "green" it needs to survive.
Okay, too many cliche's here.

So, what type of amusements will Nipton have -- besides the obvious? That remains to be seen. 

  David Gwyther, American Green's president and CEO said in a statement, 

"We are excited to lead the charge for a true Green Rush" 
 "The cannabis revolution that's going on here in the US has the power to completely revitalize communities in the same way gold did during the 19th century." 

I wonder what this will inspire across the U.S., Canada, and the world. There has been pushes in both countries in the last 20 years to legalize marijuana. 

Does this town interest you? Will you plan on visiting this town?

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