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Want a rocking sex life? Here are 7 foods men should have to boost their libido

Dark chocolates, garlic and fish are just some of the food items that shall help increase your sex drive.
Dark chocolate increases serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, making us happy and then puts us in the ‘mood’.

According to nutritionists, what a guy eats can have a massive affect on his sex life and making simple changes can spice it up. Charlie Turner and Lee Foster, founders of Neat Nutrition have come up with seven magic foods that can boost their libido, says
So what are you waiting for? Head to the market ASAP! And when you go there, these are the items you should get so that you boost your sex drive.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate increases serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, making us happy and then puts us in the “mood”.Chocolate also contains phenylethylamine - a compound that we have been shown to produce when we are in love. Given that stress can be strongly linked with a lower sex drive, a few squares of dark chocolate daily is a good way to pump up the passion.


These energy boosters increase libido and reverse impotence in men. Almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts and peanuts provide the raw material for a man’s healthy production of hormones.


This one is surely a spoiler when it comes to intimacy but it contains high levels of allicin and increases blood flow which might help men with erectile dysfunction.


Broccoli and celery

This green beauty can make you go red in bed. It helps by removing excess oestrogen, and in turn increasing testosterone. For example, celery contains androsterone, an odourless hormone released through male perspiration that acts as a turn-on.


This one will make you swim through. Fish is high in vitamin B which helps in increasing one’s libido. Vitamin B3 is in charge of anaerobic metabolism, which offers sexual energy and raises blood flow to the genitalia.


The velvety texture of oats will make you slip in the pond of desires. Oats increase the amount of testosterone available in your bloodstream. Research at the San Francisco Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality found that including oats in your diet improved men’s libidos in just 8 weeks.

Whey protein

Proteins that keep the body going are good for the bed too. Protein helps in boosting testosterone levels and is rich in whey, vital for the manufacturing of testosterone.

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