A man needs to be made to keep the body healthy and fit


To keep the body healthy and fit, one man can follow the list of foods

Always keep yourself fit you want Everybody tries very much to make their appearance and attractive, but most men are not conscious about eating. Whenever we want to eat it, we do not want to eat anybody working in all men, so that in our country, there are many physical problems including obesity, when the men are a little older. The main way to keep the body healthy and fit is to eat properly. If you can eat and drink properly, then it does not matter if your body is healthy and healthy

To maintain fitness and keep your health healthy, you have to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. It is the matter that we all know that no one does not mean if green vegetables eat fruit, many of our diseases will be good for health and health. Many people do not eat food at night to keep fitness, which is harmful to the body. Men can keep themselves fit in a little bit of consciousness.

You can list specific foods according to your body condition. A man can follow the dietary to keep the body healthy and fit -


Morning breakfast

Many of them did not have time to go to the workplace without breakfast in the morning. But the morning meal will provide you with the energy of your day. The vegetable can be fried with bread in the morning. You can eat white part of a boiled egg. You can eat any fruit or fruit juice. Eat tea or coffee which you like. After 2 hours of the morning meal, eat biscuits or low-calorie foods.

In this way, if you start your morning then your energy will increase in your body for a whole day. If your body does not have energy in the morning, then it will be very painful all day. Therefore, if you follow the rules and follow the rules then you will be blessed with the day.



At noon can eat fish or meat with rice. With tomato, lettuce leaves salad will eat. Never eat fast food Leave the habit of soft drinking habits. Eat a fruit after 30 minutes of eating.

In this case, your body energy will be fine, you will not drink soft water while eating rice. If you drink soft water, it will help you lose your body energy. If you have one fruit after 30 minutes then you will be able to walk completely with your energy during the rest of the day.


Afternoon breakfast

In the afternoon, you can eat biscuits and green tea without cream.

If you drink a bit of breakfast, you will get the energy you need until your nights, if you drink biscuits and green tea without ice cream then increase your physical strength and prevent various diseases as a result of drinking green tea.



At the night, eat less rice than the noon. Small fish, vegetables can eat. Bread is eaten instead of rice. It is better to eat cucumber or salad after eating. Without mil,king milk can eat.

There are many people in our present society who do not want to eat food at night or at night, there is no benefit to them, that night food is a very important thing for our lives. If you are tired of sleeping all day long when you go to sleep at home, if you have nothing to eat in your stomach If you sleep instead of sleeping, then you will not sleep well and whether your energy will go very rough until morning. Of co,urse you have to dinneriner, and the rules


After 40 years you stay attractive

Talks about how women are beautiful when the age increases are not less talk. The topic is given great importance throughout the world. Many scientists around the world have found a lot about this matter. How can women stay in the beauty of their age? For those who have been preparing various medicines, but to see women in our present society, how much scientists are successful


So now the question is what men will do?

After 40 years, the body of the male usually goes away, the head is bald and hair can be used to get rid of it?

We will talk about these issues today, men do not have too much of a lot of things in which men think that men think that our life is going on but we have to keep ourselves fit to try to make ourselves attractive, but we do not want to do it properly, but toI I I will try to guide them through this blog, and of course, for all of your men A message will be low

Experts say that there are some strategies for holding youth. In the meantime, scientists presented two things in front of us

  1. Skin care

  2. Good diet

Those who look at the rules of both of these must definitely help our men show up after 40 years of age.

The Times of India, with advice on experts, advises young men how to hide youth in front of youth. According to some guidelines given to us, scientists think that if some direction is male, then our age will be 40 years later as young people.

I mentioned below the topics that scientists advised us, we hope that all of you will be useful and accordingly we will move and make ourselves attractive


Protection from the sun

Gentle sunlight is good for health. Vitamin D is available from this light; Which is helpful in bone protection. However, excess sunlight or dark crystalline light is harmto for the skin.

It will be us all to believe that if you think you will use sunlight to stay heathy, if you sit in front of sunrise then it will also be harmto for your skin. You must come out in the morning and sit in front of them. You can use an essential vitamin for your body and your skin

When you leave the house in the afternoon or in a lot of resistance, you must use the sunscreen cream or lotion. Dark sunlight can make balikayakea and make the skin scar on the surface - which makes it look older.

Use of moisturizers

Many are now aware of beauty. It is therefore not necessary to say that the moisturizers prevent the skin from being dry and rude. Therefore, to overcome the body's rudeness, it is necessary to have regular moisturizers in the body to show the young ones.

Your beauty will increase. Of course, when you use moisturizer, you will present yourself to everyone. Of co,urse you will increase your physical beauty at the same time as a real person.


Drink water

Drink at least seven to eight glasses of water all day to keep skin good. You do not drink water based on flour for water. Water is your life. All of your needs are water in the body. The more water you eat, the more your body your skin, the more your mental strength will be all the better.

If you work very hard, drink at least 10 to 13 glasses of water. However, drink more than this quantity during the summer. If you drink lots of water in your body, you will work harder. If you work hard, you have to do a lot of work, you must take a lotthirstsirst if you work harder, you will have to eat at least a lot more water and if it is hot in summer it is very hot. If you have to do that, then you can not satisfy the water by alternating the water You have to eat a lot


Wake up

It is a very important thing a for human being that people can not live without sleep. A person sleeps for at least eight hours every day and keeps the skin healthy by removing fatigue. If you have a good sleep, your physical mental thoughts will make everything look good to you. Your skin will look very bright

Low sleep creates blackness under the eyes. In th at ,case your skin will be damaged much You do not need to look very beautiful You can not make it attractive to everyone, Not only do you get less eep, but also because of your low sleep, you can face many more problems. When your emotional stress increases, your physical movements will be very painful for you, you will not be able to finish any work properly, so you must have enough sleep.



Smoking causes lung problems and various types of cancer. Smoke is a very harmful item for the human body, many things in the human body have the power to eliminate the human life; Smoking a cigarette If you face many problems, there is a significant problem in your skin and your appearance will be lost.

Smoking causes damage to the skin increaseathe diarrhea. It makes the skin dirty, it destroys the teeth. So, after 40 years of age, smoking has to be stopped. And this is the first thing to do. To make you look attractive and beautiful, you have to leave your smoking issue in the first place. You have to forget about smoking, you can make yourself very attractive, you can present yourself very beautifully in front of everyone, everyone will see you very much. Will do


Good food

There should be balanced food in the diet. The antioxidant will eat the national food.

Such as:

  • Green tea

  • Tomato

Different types of nuts etc.

Vegetables and milk must be kept in the diet.

These foods will not only keep health healthy but also work to keep skin good. So you must eat these foods when you eat it, you must admit that if you eat a healthy good then it will be as good as your body needs, and your efforts to develop your skin and attractiveness will also be very helpful for you.


dressededan in age

You must wear clothing in accordance with the age of clothing. If you are upside-down, then in no way will you look smart and befull?ful. According to your age, the post that goes with your body, you must choose the dress that fits with the administrator.

Do not look at what's going on in the light-heartedness, and wear a fit to the body. Ge ner,ally sweet clothes are mate in this time. If you want you can see these sweet colors

Besides, after 40, you can also keep yourself attractive. The beard will hwing edgednged skull. You can cut this beard in different styles. This will show you stylish also.

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