Two Reasons You Should Try Float Therapy Right Now

If you’ve never heard of floatation therapy, you are seriously missing out on one of the best ways to unwind and meditate!

Float therapy is when you enter a float lab that is filled with water that has around 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt.


The temperature of the water is around 95 degrees Fahrenheit, and because of all of the salt, you actually float effortlessly in the water.

Most labs are both light and sound free as you float, so there are no distractions and no worries as you completely relax and unwind.

What you may not know is that while floating may be a great way to relieve stress, there are actually countless benefits to this type of therapy.

Here are two of those benefits!

1.Floating Can Lower Blood Pressure


Float therapy is known to lower your blood pressure.

When you float, you reach a state of equilibrium. It is marked by deep stillness, and at times you may find yourself barely breathing

Not only are you physically not doing anything, but there’s no sensory input to process either, so you enter into a state of minimal energy output.

End result? Your body uses less oxygen, your heart doesn’t have to work as hard, and your blood pressure is lowered

Amazing feeling, right?

Fun Fact: You do not necessarily have to have high blood pressure to benefit from this.

Even if you are healthy, lowering your blood pressure can be a very good thing

The best part is you don’t have to do anything at all to make this happen. You simply have to float!

2. You'll Sleep Better


When you float, you will find that your sleep patterns have greatly improved, which will improve your overall quality of life.

Want to hear a bizarre claim from some doctors?

Some say that just one hour of sleep in a floating tank is the same as eight hours of sleep in your bed

Does this statement ring true?

I’m not sure, but what I do know is that I sleep far better after I’ve floated for just one hour.

If these two reasons aren’t enough for you to try out float therapy, perhaps the countless other benefits will be enough.

Not only does it lower your levels of stress, it helps with muscle recovery and pain, and it can make you a more creative person.

A Win/Win situation!


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