Rabbit and Rat Intervene

              I AM THE BODY I belong to the human kingdom. The body has three main divisions, namely, the head, the trunk, the upper and lower limbs.

Inside the trunk there is a large cavity where all of the important organs are. This cavity is divided into an upper and a lower portion by a thin wall called the diaphragm.

The upper portion is called the chest. Within it are the heart and lungs, and in the back part of it are trachea and gullet, or oesophagus.

The cavity below the diaphram is called the abdominal cavity. Within it are the liver, the stomach, the small and the large intestine.

Rabbit and Rat: Hey wait, what has all those illustrations of yours gotten to do with us Master Body-body.

Rabbit: I rabbit and I belong to the animal kingdom, I have body as well.

Body : Then, tell us the plan of your body generally.

Rabbit : Hoo, I have head, eyes, nose,ear, mouth and short tail but I don't know about Rat.

Rat : Hey shut up or I'm going to bite you.

Body : ha ha ha ha, okay it's alright, you Rabbit, you have really tried.

Rat : Oh yeah, oh yeah, I and Rabbit belong to the same kingdom, hooo,ha ha ha ha.

Rabbit : Oh hell no, we're not 100% stay together, because you're disease-carrier and you stink.

Rat : Shut up bonehead, that's what you are.

Body : Okay, since both of you have disrupted me from delivering my essential plan of the body to the human world. I will briefly give you all the six general rules that are necessary in caring for the body, especially to the human world.

The rules are :

  1. The body should have proper food and drink.
  2. The body must have an abundance of sunlight and fresh air.
  3. The body must get rid of its waste matter constantly.
  4. The body must have proper exercise and proper rest daily.
  5. The body must be protected so that it will not be injured by cold or heat.
  6. The body must be constantly protected against the entrance of poisons and disease-producing germs.

Rabbit : I can observe those six rules too, so that disease can be avoided and long life ensured.

Body : Yeah, exactly!

Rabbit : Thanks body, take a look at my rabbit's jungle below, is very neat and beautiful.


One will have perfect health if all their needs supplied.

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