Chracteristics Of Incredibly Happy People @senseicat

You know how many people will say, "I will be happy when .........happens." I will refer to this as chasing happiness. Major events and accomplishments do in fact make us happy, it is not long lasting.


In fact, Northwestern University reported that happiness ratings of us regular people compared to sizeable lottery winners from the prior year, had no difference in their happiness levels according to their study.


Personally, I was not surprised by these findings.

When I walked in to a local gym recently, the woman at the front office greeted me, "We have decided that you are the happiest member!" Before I could gather my thoughts, she followed it by, "Be honest with me, have you ever had a bad day @senseicat because you are always smiling."

It was a wonderful and genuine compliment and I reflected on that deeply and realized that I think that it may be my attitude. I tend to believe the best in others and hope for the best in others.


Trust me, I have experienced enough CRAP for several lifetimes and my life was the opposite of being born with a silver spoon as I was abandoned repeatedly before the age 5. I started learning English at age 5 and began earning money by age 9 so I consider myself a very strong woman.

Instead of spending so much time thinking, how about just BEING?

Characteristics Of Truly Happy People:

  1. They slow down to appreciate life’s little pleasures.

  2. They exercise.

  3. They spend money on other people.

  4. They surround themselves with the right people.

  5. They stay positive.

  6. They get enough sleep.

  7. They have deep conversations.

  8. They help others.

  9. They make an effort to be happy.

  10. They have a growth mindset.

letting go.jpg

I would definitely add loving and letting everything else go and oh yes, there is a lot to let go....


Live Each Moment Happy @senseicat

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