Gaze up to the stars

Gaze up to the stars
look at the moon
twinkling dots that shine
the dark blanket that is the sky
look around at the ground
looming trees that seem to hide
how insignificant the human is
and yet the ego is 'high'

You might think that you are smart. That you have achieved this or that, that you are better than the others in various respects and you are above many, after all.

It takes a hard look around to realize that you are literally nothing when compared to the vastness of nature.

Let us imagine the Tsunami that struck many countries. So many lives were lost and so much destruction. Wise people will understand that man is nothing, his power is nothing when compared to the fury of nature. So, we should learn to become humble and then lead a life of righteousness and always treat others with respect and do as much charity as we possibly can.

Some people amass wealth like there is no tomorrow but what they forget is that they should look at all aspects and consider sharing some of it with the needy and make sure to save for the bad times too. When wealth is shared and people include 'Dharma', then karma vanishes and there need not be any fear of consequences.

Regarding ego, some humans think that it is their birthright to feel egoistic and above mistakes. They scorn others and treat them with disrespect and make the others feel shameful and never do they realize that they might be at fault. These people never think that they are the ones who are wrong because no one is perfect enough to judge another being. Have you observed any tigers or lions or elephants judging one another? Only the human mind is capable of being judgemental.

No one is perfect. No human being is fit to judge another based on the given facts because any situation can have a history of situations leading to the particular act or word. Therefore, we should not judge anyone based on certain situations as we may not know the complete picture.

Life is a complex web and not all are enlightened enough to realize the intricacies. Therefore, do not jump to conclusions, and do not be egoistic enough to treat others with scorn. You are not above others and you do not have the right to treat others shabbily.

Life is not a bed of roses
Life is not a bed of thorns either
it is a garden of mixed plants
some flowers have a good scent
some have color
some are plain but beautiful
some stand straight
and some may need a stand
this planet is like the garden
all beings are a part of it
no one is privileged
and no one is below par
each being as life so dear
each individual has a heart
be careful not to hurt
speak softly and be gentle
and you shall win hearts


above-written words are just my opinions

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