We All Come Complete With One True Note We Are Destined To Sing

What if we were all taught to pursue in life what we are passionate about instead of being taught to follow the money and security.

I bought this beautiful painting from my daughters friend who upon graduation from High School went on to pursue a degree in something other than art due to parental pressure. Every time I look at this painting I feel a sense of sadness that her parents were so worried about money they weren't able to support her artistic talents.

I have always tried to support my children's natural inclinations, their expressed interests. Trying always to help them seek out a life that will make them truly happy.

I saved and bought my daughter a keyboard and then a guitar when she expressed interest in learning. Music did not end up being something she was drawn to and they went unused for quite a long time until my son expressed interest. He now plays regularly and wants to pursue a degree in Music.

My daughter who thought she might like music instead choose to pursue a degree in theater arts. However after her first year in college she felt pulled to travel. After talking with her in depth about her desires and what she wanted for her life I whole heartedly told her to travel.

Here are a couple of blogs she wrote about her experiences while traveling: Ireland and Hana Maui.

She still feels torn between the two desires she has for a life of traveling the world helping others and theater arts. My advice was you only live once you should explore both and never believe it is too late to make a change.

She leaves for Ireland again in a couple of days for an entire year and has decided to continue her degree online while Au Pairing there.

I came across an excellent Tedx Talk by Caroline McHugh recently. In it Caroline talks about finding what makes us unique and putting that to work in creating our life.

Most of us don't take up nearly the space the universe has intended for us. We feel small and when we witness someone who is in the full flow of their humanity they seem to be larger than life, remarkable.

One thing these remarkable individuals have in common is that they have nothing in common.

They are individuals who have managed to figure out the unique gifts that only they possess and then put those gifts to work towards their goals.

You can only be truly fulfilled and happy when you are singing the one true note you were destined to sing.

When asked by a journalist if he had a message for the world Gandhi replied, "My life is my message." This is truth. Our lives are our message.

Being YOU is the only area of your life where you have absolutely no competition.
Take advantage of that reality.
Bask in it.
And create a beautiful message.


Painting Source:
I own the painting in this post and it is the original. Digital copies of it may be found elsewhere on the internet.

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