Training requirements for adolescent reproductive health and nutrition

#Demand and purpose
###Most of the rural people of our country are young, who are directly deprived of education, poor family members. Most of the youth of the country are not able to become skilled human resources due to lack of adequate knowledge and practical practices and training; Immediately falling apart from education, the development is interrupted and the pace of development slowed down. Cannot continue to implement the implementation of the government's development plan. Therefore, it is essential to have knowledge of reproductive health and nutrition in order to develop skilled manpower at the threshold level.
The steps taken by the government to improve the skills of the youth; It is less than necessary. Therefore, for the development of the next generation as well as for the development of their children, there is a need for training to acquire external knowledge about reproductive health and nutrition for adolescents.
#Expected Results
###* Adolescents can learn about reproductive health and working.

  • Adolescents will gain the ability to live independently;
  • Tail yourself to your family;
  • Happy Osandar will play an important role in forming family;
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