Life is not fair to anyone, the road to destiny is bumpy and has many ups and downs. But if life was fair to everyone, they all would be ruling and no one would know the meaning of struggle and fight, and winning without battle is insipid. Unfortunately, life is not a bed of roses but it does not mean we can’t make it into one. So is the meaning of the topic ‘if life throws you lemons, juice it up and make some lemonade.’
It is as they say:

“Fall seven times but stand up eight times”.


Challenges of Life:

Man has to face a lot of challenges throughout his life. But these challenges may vary from time to time. As a child a man depends on his guardians to fulfil his/ her needs, as an adult a mans need and desire changes and so does his behaviour and when a man gets old his emotions take over and his needs and desires for worldly things diminish. He gets discouraged and depressed when life collides him with difficulties and he considers himself as the one of the unlucky people, but he is not aware that difficulties and failure collides with everyone at some point of their life.

Solutions of Problems:

If problems and difficulties do exist than so does their solution, and no problem should be left undone. Life will definitely throw some sour hardships and difficulties at man and knowing that there is a way out of this hardship he should never let theses hardships take over them. Hope is what makes a man courageous and enables him to face the challenges of life.
It is as Charlie Jones says:

“Things don’t go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be.”

Example of Lemons:

Nick Vujicic:

Take the example of Nick Vujicic, a man who was born without any limbs, a man who was made fun of and was discouraged throughout his life. He knew that God had sent him to this world for a reason and leading a feckless or depressed life would not do him any good, he knew there was a purpose to life and no difficulty could stop him from achieving his purpose. He preferred a life that could bring smile on not only his but to others faces as well. He started an organization ‘life without limbs’ and became a public speaker who motivated and gave hope to people. Nick showed us that being grateful, hopeful and calm is one way of making lemons into lemonades.
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Einstein’s teacher once said to him that he would never succeed as he was a bit slow, but alas today the world knows his name.

Michel Jorden

Michel Jorden was kicked out of the school basketball team as the couch did not find him to be fit on the team but later after facing many hardships became an ‘NBA All Star’.

Steve Jobs:

Steve jobs was thrown out of the company, since they thought he didn’t have any innovative ideas, of which he is now the founder of.

Abraham Lincoln:

Abraham Lincoln lost most of the elections, the public did not want to vote for a man who was the son of a carpenter, but indeed he was the one who knew about the struggling life of the poor and thus became the president of the United States.


In the end, all these personalities did not give up, they struggled, worked hard, changed their behaviour and attitudes and juiced the sour lemons into lemonades. The first step one takes is the longest stride, so one should make it count.
A wise man gave advice to broken:

“I believe that we are who we choose to be. Nobody is going to come and save you. You have got to save yourself. Nobody is going to give you anything. You have got to go out and fight for it. Nobody knows what you want except you, and nobody will be as sorry as you if you don’t get it. So don’t give up on your dreams”.
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