Clock that stops the time!

Us human beings are the most sophisticated creature on this planet.

our neuronal activities are much much higher than any other animals in this world. That means we are the most advanced machines which can create and manifest any other kind of machines and objects in our dimensional reality/ we can calculate and derive at possibilities which none others can reach/ our flow of energy can also be diverted in to which ever direction we want as we wish.

Even tho Human being is supposed to be the most sensitive, advanced and sensible species on the planet, we some how managed to suppress all our abilities of knowing other dimensions of life and understanding animate and inanimate "life" of being.

Time /space -> reality<-energy/matter 

May be all the conspiracy theories are right, may be all the capitalistic controls are right, but what we don't realize to see is just a simple fact that "we are our worst enemy".

Inside our body there is seat for consciousness, there is room for water, there is some kind of fire which can get regulated, there is enough matter which is holding together some how  to make this life a possibility and there is space within us like sky. All the fire water earth space and the energy join together animating our life form.

So it is a play of inanimate to animate but we don't see us as we are but our memory is filled with text book and ignorance. Our capabilities made us incapable, our wishes became greed, our love became compulsive and yet we want/need more. For what?

There is a clock that stops the time and that clock is felt rather than seen and it is all built in us and It is my wish, my blessings to the whole of humanity to find it and see it for yourself.

"Memento Mori"

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