Breaking Someone's Self-Limiting Beliefs without Breaking their Heart, Soul, or Spirit 101


This morning I got a message from the contact form on my website from someone who who identifies themselves as a "recovering" 12-Step program person who was asking me to share some of the links they have as resources on their website on my resource aspect of mine. Also, offering to write an article or more for free instead of charging me for it because they were inspired by my site initially and what they found there. I would share all their information but I wanted to respect their privacy and personal details so as not to cause or inflict shame unnecessarily. Here are some of the the links he suggested for your reference, perusal, and due diligence, and my following response which I feel is important to share for everyone. My time is very precious as is everyone's and I must be adamant and connected to my intuition as to who I choose to respond to. I, myself, was shocked at my lengthy response which I chose to give, prioritise, and realise that I needed to share here on Steemit.

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Here is the email minus the private client information that would violate their trust (certain links-especially the one that they created which is of wonderful intention and service have been kept out in respect of their privacy:

"Having had personal experience with addiction, I’ve seen how important it is to address mental health issues before they take control. I truly believe it’s lifesaving to nurture our innermost selves before mental health conditions become debilitating, whether it’s something as common as stress and anger or something as complex as depression or suicidal thoughts.

As part of my work with Recovery Hope, I’m sending you some articles that offer insight and support for those who may be struggling. I hope you’ll consider adding these to your site on this page or one like it ( Based on the information you have there, it seems you’re just as aware of how important it is for people to care for their emotional wellbeing.

...I truly thank you in advance for your support! If you’re open to working with me so that I can write an article for you that further explores the importance of mental health on our overall wellness, please let me know. Since this is a subject so close to me, there is no charge. (If you don’t want me to contact you again, please let me know that as well.)

(name held for respect, privacy, and potential client client confidentiality)

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Congratulations on being inspired to assist others who are experiencing addiction and having mental health issues after finding some success yourself! I innerstand your perspective and resonate with wanting to share and help as I, too, have been where you are and I have been inspired to do the same. We share a similar journey. I had different bouts with addictive behavior in my life and became familiar with many of the 12 step programs in my late teens until 24 and again briefly in my early 30s. I also get clearly the sincerity with which you reached out to me as well as innocence NOT ignorance.


I wrote all the articles on that page except for the few links and the featured article. While i do not mean this as insulting in any way I am afraid I can not share any of the articles here except perhaps the Feng Shui one which has some value. Not because there isn't a lot of factual information in them but because of the angle they come from which is a disease model (allopathic), as is AA, NA, etc. not a wellness model (holistic). I do not support any allopathic approaches except for trauma where it is very useful. Our "conventional" pharmaceutical based "healthcare" aka disease-management-for-profit system that gives a series of symptoms showing up a name, calling it a disease or a disorder, and prescribes a toxic pharmaceutical to make the symptoms go away stating the disease or disorder is gone or killed because the symptoms have gone away when in fact it has not. The disease or disorder is instead suppressed deeper in the body leading to systemic disease and deeper dis-ease physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Our bodies, minds, and spirits are not healthy just because we look ok on the outside and there are no apparent symptoms. Symptoms appear when the body can not integrate the imbalance or dis-ease. Naturally our bodies attempt to get our attention to things that need to be healed, resolved, and either integrated or released which is what you call "relapses" in 12 step programs.

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The allopathic sick model complete with its' Big Book and used like the Bible is an integral part of the 12 step rule, complete with original sin, guilt, and shame like the Catholics to the bible. It's all in the misinterpretation of step 2 like again the same as the bible and insidiously hidden. "We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity." In that very statement you are agreeing and thus contracting to give your power away to someone else. If that someone is your higher self wonderful! But most people are just giving there power away as they do in religion or to the government, or school, (perceived authority)to whatever, especially in the beginning with lots of discomfort,defeat, and shame feeling they now owe their "saviour." You are not healed just because you are not drinking and most people just change seats on the Titanic (coffee, cigarettes, sugar, sex, work, exercise) as you call it because the drinking is NOT the disease but the symptom.

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All mental illness is caused by one of 3 things:

1-suppressed, ignored, denied emotional, physical, or sexual trauma

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2- toxicity of some kind-poisoning via the environment. Our food, water, air, body care products, household items are all laden with toxic chemicals, toxic pharmaceuticals, GMOs-Genetically Modified Foods-wheat, corn, soy, potatoes!

toxic-mix vaccines.jpgs, corn, sugar is now GMO sugar beets or corn mostly not even white sugar from sugar cane which was bad enough, and electromagnetic wave pollution like wifi, cell phones & towers, smart boxes, and microwaves.

3-someone has a gift that is showing up just like when baby's get teeth. It is painful but you're not going to give the baby a drug to make them go away or pull them out so they can be gumless for life, unless that is what is considered desirable by the community. By gift I mean clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairgustance, clairsentience, etc-the higher octave to our "normal" senses. These people by nature are opening up and evolving to the next level and need support not suppression.

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For example, schizophrenics are either people who are having a very strong opening of a gift of clairaudience (hearing voices) or clairvoyance (seeing things, hallucinating), etc or are not able to digest animal protein appropriately and the bacteria that f=thrives on that dead meat gives off its' excrement which is hallucinogenic. If it is the latter stopping the ingestion of animal protein alleviates the "symptoms" hallucination. So people who are getting gifts/evolving are called crazy and locked up in a mental health jail/mind prison called a "hospital", given poison chemicals to eradicate the "symptoms", taught that they have a disease and they are responsible for fixing it which isn't hard because of the guilt and shame, and fear they have, so they are obedient and do what they are told.

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There is a similar archetype with rehabs which are generally mental hospitals as well but there are many different options out there now including one in Sedona that actually heals you and doesn't allow or use pharmaceuticals. They overlap and the same is true for addicts, whatever your flavor of self-medication. This is not to say that there isn't some value in those systems but it is the excruciatingly loooooong way to rip the band-aid off a hair at a time so it hurts a lot more and a lot longer than just ripping it off. However the down side is when people are vulnerable they need genuine support not to be taken advantage of as has the whole of everyone in any of the 12 step programs that were created by and molded in order to control belief systems and thus people-for profit. (You might want to do some more research deeper into who Dr. Bill and Uncle Bob are and Dr. Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud's nephew and the "father" of behaviouralism who created a protocol when hired by the Rockefeller Foundation to create an easily controllable populace.)

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I must also add that "addicts" are people who have heightened sensitivity whether they mask it well or not and are all gifted. They are special souls who chose a really difficult path in order to find the quickest route to bliss. We just got stuck on a cheaper version of it. I have had full Kundalini Awakening which is what is termed "enlightenment" but is actually only the beginning of the mastery level of spiritual warriorship, and the term used to describe how one feels in sanskrit is called "Ananda" which means "the bliss of being" and makes even the thought of 50, 000 sheets of 4-way window pane acid seem like a fake beer. It is also the goal in meditation, yoga, or the martial arts traditions as well as sungazing. They all speed up the process.

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I have experienced being "one with god" as it is written but I won't use those words. God from my perspective is just another energetic parasite in the multiverse who has been playing an integral role in helping humanity get a very powerful lesson in the inappropriate use of power and why we should NEVER give our power away to anyone. Just as we have to first monarchies, then religion, then gov't, and now science as the forms of control/power-over/patriarchy. Humanity is now just beginning collectively see WHY we don't want to give our power away and be powerless because we have been enslaved and preyed on for our life force/energy/money/time for so many thousands of years that we have lost our inner vision/gnosis and forgotten who we truly are, why we are here, what our true history is, and what gifts we came to bring to share with others.

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We have been indoctrinated to believe we are small beings who pop up out of nowhere and disappear into nothingness or "go to god" and get to heaven if we are "good people". But the "God" on our planet has been human trafficking his children for money...the God here, and those who created it out of thin air after they stole it all and make us still pay, have poisoned our system. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are the only beings on the planet that suffer the delusion that we have to pay "money" to live here. Who we really are is immortal conscious co-creator gods experiencing a human life. Even the human genome, and I went to school for Genetic Engineering has a codon for immortality but it isn't turned on because we don't believe it and have forgotten it. Most humans only have approximately 20 of their gene codons turned on of the original pattern of 64. Kundalini is the activation of the rest of them and completes our nervous system acvtivating our corpus collosum which allows the use of both the left and the right brain.


This is the original separation and wound we get to after we have done our individual healing and the healing for our ancestral lineage we were born into. One source then replicating and separating and becoming masculine and feminine. We all have an inner divine masculine and feminine within us. The left brain, ego, active, principle, rational , linear mind and is our masculine and which is why everyone is so left-brain dominant in this patriarchal world which attributes no value to our right brain or the non-rational world. The matriarchal world before it didn't work out so good, either as they created Eunuchs and put men's balls in vice grips. The inappropriate use of divine feminine power is far more cruel than patriarchal.

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The divine feminine is our right brain, higher self, heart, emotional capacity, compassion,creative, dreamer, visionary, receptive principle, the capacity to surrender as in love. Instead of the BS we are taught by religion and indoctrinated by the sociopaths of power who have completely taken over the world like a huge cancer, that we need to eradicate our ego, which is what a good master likes in a slave. Instead, I had an insight and now teach people that we need to promote our ego to the director of our integrity for our higher self who guides our heart. The ego is the perfect avatar our souls chose to play this video game called life with and the experiences it wanted to go through. It is very important, it is always on alert, it is an alarm system, and wants to to do a really good job that it has pride in, and feels important. We have run into this problem on Earth for quite some time now though where we have most people either innocent, ignorant, in denial of, or even ashamed of their divine feminine and there ego has either disguised her, quieted her or killed her. This is like a 3 year-old at the wheel of a Mack truck with a cement block on the gas pedal, no power-steering headed towards a field of millions of children sitting facing the other direction watching a movie. It doesn't make for a pretty ending and quite tragic.

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The ego needs to serve the heart which has infinite more intelligence than the brain which science is just starting to leak out. You see it in our language the limiting belief in the saying "Should I follow my head or my heart?" That question shouldn't even be on the table because one with out the other is useless, potentially dangerous, and only a shadow of it's value that it can be when synergistically used with the other. The clear answer to that question should be neither, they both must go together and are a package deal. The heart is the wisdom, vision, caring, creative one with immense immortal power and the ego is the way she choose to express herself through, her man to protect her, love her, serve her, make love with her, show her things, take her on adventures, and the intense laser beam focus through which her power of creation can be used to create things in form instead of just explode into a super nova making a mess all over the multiverse.

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A holistic model is based on our natural state of wholeness and it's property homeostasis, balance. Everything you sent me is like breadcrumbs leading Hansel and Gretel to the oven, unless they are lucky or wise children that get distracted by the apple tree and find their way home. The vast majority of information out there is getting more and more accurate but still has the wrong context and is thus poisonous. Just like fake organic vegan think they are a healthy choice but if you knew the truth about the GMO soy chemical cocktail you are eating how it affects your hormones and your heart truly you would never eat it. Or like "organic" Jason shampoo, one of the most expensive products with all organic healthy essential oils and ingredients until you get to the "sodium lauronyl sulfate extracted from coconuts" and other toxic chemicals being given the isllusion that they are whole natural ingredients just because the chemical was extracted from something natural...just like pharmaceuticals.

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Every single pharmaceutical is an analog, or mirror image of a naturally-occurring chemical in nature..only it is the mirror image and does not fit the way a left handed-glove would not go on your right hand. Every single pharmaceutical in toxic just in varying amounts of poison, including tylenol. For example, you might have heard about how apple seeds are poisonous because they contain cyanide and you shouldn't eat them. But if you eat the apple whole you are protected from the cyanide and it does not kill you, but if you take just the seeds and grind them into a powder and ingest them you have some nice poison on your hands. Our world is set up to make is think taking that cyanide powder is better and more convenient than eating the apple.


I hope my verbose response has distracted you off your own bread crumb trail to an apple tree and on your way home. It was not my intention to scare or anger you in any way. I just felt inspired to help you even though you asked a different question because I like to help people either get out of traps, or better yet, keep them from falling into them as I have. I always meant to get around to writing the much needed rewording of the 12 steps...and complete it because it is missing the 13th step...and that is not how it is used in AA.

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In AA the 13 step is something bad, which it isn't, truly, just as much as 13 is NOT an unlucky # but those ruling the church said it was so 13th floors are banned or missing in many places of the world. 13 is the number of completion, self love, wholeness, divinity and then partnership of two whole divine people, not two people filled with holes trying to fill them up and distract from doing their shadow work so they can heal be whole and connect synergistically to be even stronger together than apart even though they are whole alone. The AA I knew and the Recovering 12-steppers I have assisted have shown me would guilt and shame you for growing whole and not needing to go anymore trying to scare you or intend that the monster of "your disease/curse" would get you if you thought you outgrew them or wanted to go hang with a different community. One of the main untruths that is one of the foundations that AA was founded on is that being whole or "holy" is not possible for a mere man/or woman-(Chapter 5 would have left her out). That is an outright purposeful lie passed down for far too long that needs to be worked into 12-step programs if they are t survive this transition we are heading into now with great speed.

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We are not victims of disease or dis-ease, we create it either fast or slowly with everything we put expose our minds, hearts, bodies, and souls. And the only way to heal is going inside deeply( like step 4), shadow work it is called in healing/holistic, humanistic, or transpersonal psychology. acknowledging and embracing every fear and painful emotion, thanking it for keeping you safe and any insights or wisdom it offers, then releasing it so it can transform into something more wonderful now. This is wholeness, freedom, courage, and strength. While it doesn't fill the sense of family (dysfunctional at that) or community that AA has because our people and thus societies have seen the breakdown of families,communities, states, countries so we don't have anywhere we feel we belong or are welcome. That is what the "states"/governments have done now that religion offers, too, a place for people who feel guilty, powerless, or shameful to go where they are told they are always accepted and belonged and forgiven their "sins" long as they "donate" to the basket. Rightly, justly, and perfectly so, they are all falling apart and collapsing like the Tower of Babel. We'll save the pieces that are worthy and put them back together with new things, and get rid of the rest. We don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water but we definitely require a new tub!

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If you would like to have some resources that do not belong to the control grid/indoctrination platform (called the Medical Military Mind Control Complex) espoused by the "status quo", Lamestream Media, any government arm, hollywood, or our bought out institutions and corporate seeding grounds called most colleges, and would like information that really helps people get out of their holes/boxes/self-limiting beliefs a heck of a lot faster and in one piece I would be happy to assist. I only choose to help those who are ready to show up, re-evaluate all their belief systems that they perceive have kept them safe or gotten them to the next level to see if they still apply, alter as necessary, and reprioritise. It is called it is death and rebirth and it is the way of evolution whether we actually leave our bodies or stay in them and it is necessary for an open and healthy mind like defragging a computer.

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I am done using my time to help inspire people to have the courage to run out and dance in the rain. I facilitate people to surf tsunamis. As for articles...I don't pay anyone for anything on my site. I promote everything because I believe it has value and truth. When I first started awakening and healing at at higher level I had no money and the people who had the real help didn't and still do not take insurance because insurance doesn't pay for anything that heals you except some massage or acupuncture now. If you don't pay insurance you can afford true healers. Many of the people that had figured it out were selling all kinds of products they thought might help...some had value some didn't but they were also crazily expensive, and 98% of them were ineffective or had toxic ingredients, too. So I decided to create my website initially many years ago as a resource for those who wanted to help but didn't have the money to go learn from or work with practitioners. Now I am so busy I have not updated it in some time. There is much I need to add to it as I haven't really added to the resources since I created the website over 5 years ago.

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As for any articles that you would like to write or share I am always open to sharing anything I feel is inspiring for people or helpful. If I have inspired instead of offended you here I would love to see what comes of it and share or support it. If I am really inspired you could end up on my show Consciousness Caffeine because I interview people in the world who are creating sustainable solutions and healing themselves and others that will replace all the collapsing fraudulent societal structures and systems of control, greed, theft, rape, etc., aka this terrible mess humanity has found itself in.

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Many Blessings on your path for you, your wife, your family, and community. I can't wait to see how AA shows up when we are at a higher collective vibration if still exists. What it really could be is spiritual triage with lots of empowering support, conscious communication, holding space, shadow work, healing, and basically a school for healers because when you heal yourself you are inspired to trigger remembrance/homeostasis in others to save them some pitfalls, as you well know. I am sure this is how people perceive AA that are in it, but from my perspective it is the very long, slow hard way and it's foundation is cracked. You will have to rip out the foundation and decide what you want to keep of the house that is salvageable or decide to completely rebuild to make sure you got rid of all the mold.

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I look forward to hearing from you. I was just inspired today and I am using this for a piece I wanted to write. Your timing was very synchronistic. I hope I didn't burst your bubble too, hard...but you can blow many more, an infinite amount, actually.

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Peace, Love, Abundance, Joy, & Sovereignty...& Steem On!!!

Lisa Vunk aka @rwarriorgoddess

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