
Integrity involves honesty, moral soundness, and freedom from corrupting influences and evil practices.


Integrity, or the lack of it, touches almost every facet of our lives. Everything we say, every thought or desire. As long ago as 1666, Jean Baptiste Moliere, a famous French dramatist, wrote: ' If everyone were clothed with integrity, if every heart was just frank, kindly, the other virtues will be well - nigh useless, since their chief purpose is to make us bear with patience the injustices of our fellows. "

We can define integrity as strict adherence to a code of behavior. A person with integrity remains true to his beliefs in circumstances that test steadfastness to truth, purpose, responsibility and trust.

A true story of integrity follows: Walter Spat in South America, owned a furniture store for some time. The delicately handcarved roses, figures and designs in the beautiful woods made his furniture as lovely as can be. A customer remembered that every piece was exquisite, every creation a master piece. He was just entering the store when a beautiful, newly made was carried in for show. The grain of the wood flowed beautifully and the finish was perfection.


Mister Spat, however thought that it was not up to standard. Without hesitation, he took a screwdriver and a pair of pliers and pulled it apart. "That is not my work". It seemed that he was incapable of making a piece of furniture which was not as near perfect as it could be. His work reflected his honor and integrity.

A cabinet member of the Canadian government earned the well - deserved nickname of "Mister Integrity". He refused to compromise by accepting gifts of any kind and was strictly honest in his dealings. The affectionate title followed him through lifetime of success, based on principles of fairness and integrity.

It has been said that wooden-2562889_1920.jpg

exemplified integrity. However in his youth he regarded himself as a coward with many poor personality traits, including a bad temper. Yet Gandhi went on to become the leader of India and one of the greatest statesman of the century, especially known for his integrity. To describe how Gandhi 's life was reformed.: His mother taught him that eating meat was wrong, inasmuch as it necessitated the destruction of life. Gandhi pledged to his mother that he would remain a strict vegetarian throughout his life.

He became seriously ill and doctors tried to feed him with meaty broth. Gandhi said the following : " Even for life itself we may not do certain things. There is only one course for me, to die, but my pledge I will never break" It was because of such integrity that his followers renamed him Mahatma. ( Great Soul).


Integrity requires us to make commitments to truth and honor and then develop the discipline to keep those commitments. Decide now what you will and won't. Then when temptations come, you would have already decided and your commitment will be a resounding success and happiness.

Sources :RS courses of study, Pixabay, Google images.

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