When you realize you got on the wrong train...

[Run&Meditate Day 15] Jan 30th, 2018: Progressive run and meditation


Photo by Michael Parzuchowski from Unsplash

I was on a roll. I opened up my notebook, and started writing down things I want to write about blockchain and crypto investment. I have no background in finances or blockchain, but I got deep into it because the theme of decentralization has been taking place in every aspect of human societies throughout the history.


Me writing down some ideas... feel free to use them, if you'd like! You are only helping the community :)

And when the train came, I got on it. And, I got back on writing. I wrote more and more, and checked back on previous notes on blockchain. I read some articles I saved on my phone. I was in a flow.

Then, all of sudden, I questioned: 'Why is this train so full?'
Train back to my home is always empty, because majority of people commute to the area where I work.
I looked at the screen and checked our next stop. It was a station I never got on or got off in my life. I realized I was on a train going further away from my home.

After 1hr and 10min, I got home. I was not pissed, but I was a bit frustrated. I wasted +30min just because I was not paying attention. 'That 30min could have been used for sth better, sth more productive,' I started kicking myself. 'Nothing remarkable happened during that wasted 30 min. What a waste it was!'

Then, I questioned what I just told myself: 'Really? Nothing happened?"

I realized a lot happened. And a lot of good things.

I kept reading and writing on blockchain, and gathered information and references to understand it better.
I was alive, breathing, and healthy.
It was snowing in Seoul, covering the city with its beauty and fragility that would make you think of someone you love.

After questioning myself, I could just smile. Well, that wasn't such a waste of time.

Daily Meditation: Day 19

  • Total Time: 15 minutes
    Just sitting on the floor and breathing. Lots of distracting thoughts coming and going.

Daily Running: Day 18

(Fifty runs till may #18)

Running details

  • Distance: 6km
  • Where: Indoor (company gym)
  • Time: 18 min
  • Speed Range: ~16km/h
  • Run type: Progresive (easy to fast, until you can't hold onto the speed comfortably any more)
  • Incline: 1%

    Yesterday, I took it really easy, running just 1km. Naturally, I had a lot of energy, and urge to go fast.
    So I decided to do a progressive run. Starting slow, at about 8km/h, and increasing pace as I get comfortable with each increase. It was a lot of fun, increasing speed as, adapting to it, making sure I am breathing easy. I got up to 16km/h, and ran last 800m at that speed, and called it a day. I could have run more, but did not want to force it. It's always good to finish each run with a smile on your face; at least for me, that helps me to be consistent and grow steadily.



  • Pull-ups: Pyramid day. 1-2-3-4-5-6-4. Total of 25
  • Bench-press: 10kg x 5 x 2. Focused on the form, firing with elbows and utilizing as much core muscles as possible

    Overall, it was a good day for running and strength workout. I do not have a goal time or distance; right now, the goal is to train consistently and I am happy with what I have been doing so far this year.


Snow in the city of Seoul; on my way home!

I have been writing down my runs and meditation on a notebook, but I wanted to turn them into graphs and maybe do some stats later on. Over the weekend, I wrote them down on a google sheet, as shown below. If you have any tips for making good graphs or visualizations on google sheet, please let me know!

google sheet.png

Also, please leave comments for any questions on running or meditation, anything I can help with. I am doing this so I stay on track with my goal to run and meditate consistently, but more to share with the community and help more people to thrive physically and mentally.

Happy running and meditating!

Sung, a running turtle

Little background on why I run and meditate

Why running?
I got hooked to running in 2013. Running barefoot on grass, slowly, I learned how to be one with the movement. I loved running so much that I wanted to see how world's best runners live and train. So I went to Iten, Kenya in the summer of 2015. I read an ebook with a Korean content start-up called PUBLY about my 5 weeks in Iten). I want to share my experience with people who speak English as well, so I have started translating the prologue chapter. I hope to share my story with you soon. Until then, please check out some of the videos I took in Kenya. You will especially love this video of 10km race in Iten, which I filmed myself on the back of a motorbike. In my channel, there are many exercise and stretching videos that you will find beneficial as well. Follow me for more updates :)

Why meditating?
I did a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat in 2011. There, I experienced a center of peace within myself. However, college, grad school, and real world slowly took me away from the practice. I am giving myself some social accountability by committing myself to meditate 15min before going to bed and upload a post about it on Steemit, along with my running post. I chose to do 15 minutes because it does not feel too long nor insignificant. It feels very manageable, but at the same time long enough to induce me some equanimity and mindfulness.

Please leave comments for what you think and if you have any questions on running or meditation. Thanks!


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