If We Are Living In A Simulation, Now What...? (The Mindfuck Of Genetic Dynamics)

"Simulation theory" has been gaining popularity lately.

From Nick Bostrom's hypothesis paper spelling out the theory, to Elon Musk receiving much press for his believing in the possibility, there is buzz in the world around the proposed idea that we are living in a simulated reality, perhaps designed by some form of futuristic super-intelligence.

Even high-profile physists have been jumping onboard the bandwagon. Whether or not they're amongst the bunch who have been drawing their conclusions from DMT trips - many who've been exploring the psychedelic realms, also speaking strongly about this idea - we can't be sure. But whether listening to the shamanistic bunch tripping balls, Musk, or the science's thought leaders, it's clearly a theory that been gaining attention and thus might be worth some consideration.

Herein, let's explore.

And let's start with a presupposition and question:

Let's say we are living in some sort of simulation. What next...?

If it is in fact the case that the reality we think is real is some form of matrix-like simulated reality... where do we go here with such knowledge/awareness? What difference does such an insight make? How does this change things? Why does this matter, and what could we do with this knowledge...?

Moderator Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the museum’s Hayden Planetarium, put the odds at 50-50 that our entire existence is a program on someone else’s hard drive. “I think the likelihood may be very high...” ~ source: Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?

View this statement from a different perspective: that it is Truth.

And that "someone else's hard drive" is itself genetic memory.

That our DNA isn't merely the instructional code for us as individuals, but a sort of quantum hard drive on which all information about everything is stored - or that it is a type of wireless interfacing device linking with a sort of quantum cloud drive in which all information in the universe exists.

This puts a different spin on the theory, doesn't it.

Yet, this may be a critical perspective to play with if attempting to uncover what truths there may be in the theory. Because while the entire theory may not be 100% true, there are aspects of it worthy of consideration that could definitely upgrade our understanding of self, the universe, and the genetic link between the microcosm and macrocosm of their interconnected fractal nature.

We are biological machines.

Our realities, our brain constructs through the extraction and projection of data encoded in sensory input - not only sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell, but other spectrums of frequency both our pineal gland and DNA acts as receptors to - and genetic memory.

(And likely, all that sensory input gets compressed and encoded directly back into the genetic code.)

We're swimming in a sea of frequencies. Quantum physics. The solid form we perceive as 3D reality merely the particle-state as our conscious observation collapses it down from wave-state.

What appears on the screen of our consciousness as the "reality" infront of us?

A collision of data encoded in a swarm of brainwaves - part received externally through senses, part generated internally through genetic code - simultaneously extracted and compressed into the particle-state 3D experience.

Nothing is solid. Nearly all matter is empty space.

What appears tangibly "real"... a product of our biological mechanism's conversion of energy, the brain's translation of vibrationally-carried data.

As you read these words, your sense of sight takes the characters on your computer/smartphone screen in, processing it through the English coding language to unlock access to the information encoded into the program of this story.

Simultaneously, you brain may be disseminating the new information through your existing neural networks for comparison and measurement to gauge how to fit it into the existing data structures of your belief systems and foundational knowledge base.

Some may refuse to accept the new information because it conflicts, shutting down access to new neural networks, making themselves stupider by failing to adapt to what'd upgrade their consciousness.

Others may embrace it, resolving any conflicts with other preexisting information by choosing to see where each has its value and place, increasing their capacity for discernment and choosing from a broader spectrum of perceptions based on what may be most effective for each individual situation.

Either way, this information - and the consequential reactions - will be compressed back down into your genetic memory.

This is the case for every person who reads this.

So where does any of this information exist?

In every person's genetic code.

Those who may have judged the new information will have shut down their own access to what lies within the spectrum encoded through the programming of these words.

Those who have opened to embracing the new, now have an entirely new realm of perspectives and access to a broader spectrum of information.

The information just is.

The words may have served as a bridge for your consciousness to reach the crossroads of choice at which you have determined to shrink back into your comfort zone of old thought or expanded your connection into new networks of data.

Those networks of data just exist.

Genetic code is the means through which we may access them.

The words opened the possibility of connecting into them.

Your choice opened or closed your own access.


What haven't we accessed because we haven't yet received the access codes to crack open the possibilities for perceiving it?

What senses haven't we activated yet simply because we have no fucking clue they exist?

What have we ourselves closed access to through all kinds of judgements, denials, and resistance to information that conflicted with our viewpoints?

And how much opportunity might we have to increase access to broader spectrums of frequencies through the cessation of judgements that have locked our conscious exploration of rich networks of unfathomable information awaiting to upgrade us as it is accessed and integrated?

Though not to digress too far...

Is this a simulation?

Kind of, yes.

Each of us are running our own.

Aspects of this "shared reality," we share - perhaps due to common activated genetic codes granting us all access to certain frequency spectrums.

Yet, we all have different access levels to other degrees of a broader spectrum.

Some of us have had traumas that have shut down regulators in the brain dealing with specific types of information and frequencies, rendering us incapable of perceiving or process what others with those functional regulators can.

Many of us have not yet undergone the developmental process to build more advanced regulators that would increase our senses and abilities for accessing finer and deeper details of information within further refined frequency spectrums.

And while we may all be sharing genetic access to certain planetary programs as the physical construct of our environments or cultural & societal codes, there are also programs and memory encoded within each individual's genetic code - a culmination of their own life experiences. (Though perhaps even what is stored in an individual's "Self" level of the genetic memory system could potentially be equally accessible through others' "Others", should the others activate the senses and abilities to unlock access. Consider ESP, clairvoyance, telepathy, remote viewing, and other such "psychic" phenomena as this - merely accessing different levels of genetic memory most can't/don't.)

So, yes. Essentially, we are living each in our own simulation - parts shared, parts customized based on the developmental degree of our individual genetic code.

And yes, Neil deGrasse Tyson may be right. "Our entire existence is a program on someone else’s hard drive" - every other person's genetic code, just as everyone else's is on ours.

So, we've reframed the simulation theory.

As for the parts about us aliens or some highly-intelligent beings as the one who programmed this whole thing... that's another story better left out of this one for now.

And now that the context has been constructed to ground more of the theory into practical physics, let's return to the starting question:

What next...?

How does this frame of perspective benefit us?

What advantage might we have now that was inaccessible prior to expanding our awareness into these dynamics of how we are each creating our individual "simulated" experiences while also simultaneously participating in the co-creation of a shared reality as collaborating in programming the genetic code?

These are no doubt small questions.

Yet, profoundly powerful.

Perhaps we are the start of developing the power of control over our own realities - understanding how to work harmoniously with the dynamics of this system.

Perhaps the outcomes of our lives are not a matter of chance, luck, or fate. There may be a way of systematically increasing our conscious influence through the processes which increase our access to deeper, higher, broader levels of Truth and spectrums of frequencies.

What might lie within those broadened realms?

Maybe the imagination is the limit.

Maybe that answer is each our own to discover - and create.

Maybe time will tell.

Or maybe we will - the outcomes shaped through each story we are crafting here and now, recoding the genetic code with tales of what's to come...

And one other cool piece of reading/viewing on the simulation theory subject:
This cartoon explains why Elon Musk thinks we’re characters in a computer simulation. He might be right.

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