Cafe De Paris! - Discrimination at its finest in London.

I've got to start off by stating that, I've lived in London for over 16 years now and never encountered this high a level of discrimination and racism from one place, in one night. 

Saturday 30th of September, I headed over to Cafe De Paris in London Leicester Square, for a birthday party with my girlfriend and her friends. As we begin to queue, I get pulled from the line and told I won't be allowed in, because of the trainers I was wearing. Now Cafe De Paris does have a dress code and I will admit that I wasn't dressed according to business attire standards that they follow, however so weren't the handful of people who were let in following my refusal of entry. When asked to move, I did so, along with my girlfriend without a fuss. Once we were away from the line, I try and explain to the security guard that we were on the guest list and that we were there for a birthday party. Not only was he dismissive, he began shouting "step out of my way and get away from the queue!" Classy.

He also then refused to tell us his name and we felt there was no point in even trying to get it out of him. Clearly had a power complex.

We decided to raise this matter up with the bouncer who was at the front of the queue. He did tell me his name was Ali but proceeded to also come off as dismissive and arrogant when I began explaining the situation. So we ask to speak to the manager as we're also not getting anywhere with him. 

My girlfriend and I notice a few others heading into the club who were dressed way more casual than I and the only difference she could see on why I would be refused is because of my ethnicity, so she asks Ali. "Is it because they're white that they're being let in and Roberto isn't?" 

4 - 5 white males wearing trainers, one was wearing freaking gym running shoes it's fucking crazy. What's even more ridiculous is Ali's reaction to the question. "Racism? That's it, conversation over. It's 2017!"

Ok Ali, who are you to tell me it's 2017. Are you going to brief me on the history of racism?  If someone tells you they feel discriminated against, you don't disregard how they feel just because you don't like what you're hearing. In fact, doing so only further highlights that you have no argument.

My girlfriend at this point had tried to go into the club herself and take pictures of those she saw in the queuing up with trainers or casual clothing, but as soon as the security guard heard her debrief me on her plan, he also refuses her entry and gives her the "you're too drunk" excuse. 

45 minutes later, the manager finally arrives who kindly tells us his name is Liam. We explain for the third time the issue and how each of the staff members from Cafe De Paris that we spoke to had done nothing else but escalate the situation. Liam arrogantly states that his staff members can do whatever they want and that he trusts their judgment,  which I and my girlfriend highlight was discriminatory. Liam then said that if I had decided to wear something else besides a denim shirt, I would have been allowed in. I thought the issue was with my trainers? That further highlights that there isn't a sort of guideline that Cafe De Paris follow when it comes to dress-code, rather it seems to be applied when they see fit. As one person firstly, refused me entry due to my trainers and next to the manager mentions my denim shirt. On top of it all, there was a man wearing a denim shirt in the queue when he pointed mine out. Once I mentioned that to Liam, the manager, Ali refuses him entry. It's ridiculous.

The behaviour of Cafe De Paris staff was absolutely disgusting. The manager at the time, Liam was also clearly drunk. After doing a little digging on twitter, it wasn't hard to find out that it was his birthday that day and he was having his celebrations in the same club.

The club is so highly unprofessional it's ridiculous and it's disgusting how they do treat members of the public. 

If you were wondering if there really were casually dressed people at Cafe De Paris, take a look at this picture taken on that Saturday night.

Seems like there's still work to do with the club scene & discrimination in London.

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