How to define SCAMMER?


  1. He scams people out of virtual money. I bet they won't even be able to survive one day in the real world, without trying to trick someone into giving them their wallet.
  2. A money stealer or a terminator that terminate people money.
  3. Claiming he owns 100% of a company that does not belong to him
  4. Pretending to be a victim of his own scam scheme.
  5. He’ll take the time to chat with you every day for hours.
  6. He offered opportunity or help without in returns. Hello! There's NO FREE in this world. Oh, wait! I forgot only AIR is free now. ~lol.
  7. He uses expressions that don’t match what he is saying, giving away this anxiety or guilt.
  8. He pauses and stumbles if you ask him detailed questions on the subject about which his lying.
  9. He becomes exasperated, sarcastic or even aggressive if you challenge his statements or claims, or if you persist in asking him questions.
  10. He is a good actor in his own drama.

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