Day 10 of the #30DayChallenge - Do Something New Every Day - Nudist Beach, Whale Watching, Fruit Garden

Good afternoon fellow Steemians!

Today marks day 10 of the #30DayChallenge - Do Something New Every Day.

I haven't really been very diligent with updating this challenge and I apologize. I'm currently sitting in an airport waiting for my connecting flight to Gran Canaria.

To recap - I haven't been perfect with my challenge but I have done a lot of things that I hadn't done before.

For one, the 5 € purchase experiment with my egg will start tomorrow and I will post pictures and an in-depth description once "the story" develops.

Here is a short recap of the things that happened over the past few days:

Things I've done over the past few days:

  • I've been to a "naturalist" beach and went au natural. Didn't think it would come to it but it was an interesting experience. Once you're used to the feeling, it's rather liberating. For obvious reasons, I won't post pictures...
  • We went wale watching on a boat for four hours which was pretty awesome. I have some amazing pictures on my camera that I'll share with you guys soon but for now, I can only provide you with this picture from far away...
  • I've been to a tropical fruit garden that has been founded about 25 years ago and we've tried 12 different fruits of which I knew about 4. Among others there were Java apples (that were from Java but didn't have anything to do with apples), rose apples (that were neither rose nor apple), Manila tamarind (that wasn't actually tamarind) and more fruit with more suitable names. The following is a picture of some of the fruit we tried. Once I'm home, I'll get some more pictures from my camera that show a bit more of what we did.

I'm sure there were some more new things we tried but I can't think of much at the moment.

For tomorrow, I don't really have a plan yet. We are going to s ell our car and will have to take care of some stuff, organize shipping of our belongings back to Germany, book flights home and so on, but I'll try to be more diligent in coming up with new things to try.

However, it would be great if you could help me out a little as well. In the comments, tell me a bit about things you've tried, wanted to try, or would like me to do that might be new for me.

Anyways, I'll keep you posted and talk to you tomorrow.

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