8 things that your LOVER starts to fall in LOVE with SOMEONE ELSE !!!


From time to time, your lover might behave differently for a variety of reasons. An explanation might be that I'm a passion for someone else.
If that person could feel the same for him and it's not a star that he can not reach, you may have problems.
In order not to be taken unprepared, there are some signs that might suggest that the partner thinks to be mistaken or likes someone else:

I. Grants another woman very much attention

This is one of the most obvious signs - if there is no other reason for your lover to always talk to another gorgeous woman. Perhaps she deliberately tries to talk to her as often as possible.

II. He does not want to see his phone

If he's out of your mind and does not want to see his phone, he means there's something he does not want you to know. Did she talk to some attractive girl she met at the gym? Did she talk to some ex-girlfriend? Who knows? You're not sure, because it does not let you get close to the phon

III. It's too agitated

Maybe he has a passion for someone else and he's afraid you'll find out. If it jumps up every time you mention something about a certain person, it might hide some emotions that will not make you much pleasure.

IV. Make less visual contact with you

If he has feelings for someone else, he may feel guilty, and that blame him to prevent him from looking into your eyes. Maybe you do not want to look him in the eye so you can not tell the truth. A foolish way to avoid this is to wear sunglasses

V. You catch him always looking at the same girl

Maybe she's a common friend of yours, a nice waitress or a fitness trainer - whatever that is the case, if she's looking at her personally very often, or if she's following her profile on social networks, the look might not or a strong innocent one

VI. Do not seem so in love with you anymore

If you feel that you do not get as much affection as before, it might be directed to someone else. Perhaps you should dress more attractive or try to reapply the passion between the two of you

VII. It's very defensive

If your lover has mood swings as if he's at the cycle, maybe he's emotionally frustrated because he likes someone else. If so, not only has it to repress its desire but also to hide it from you. All these emotional issues have their price. It combines frustration, guilt and tension and you get a man ready to explode because of the smallest things.

VIII. Tends to constantly pay attention to others

If your boyfriend is not completely faithful to your relationship and tends to easily pay attention to any other girl who comes to his face, he means he no longer sees the relationship of you with the same importance, so you should be more careful about how He reacts.

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