The Power of Habit, And How to Develop One

Source: Google

Imagine waking up at 5:00am. You’re still somewhat asleep and you decide to go outside for a run. You come back home, take a shower, have a steamy delicious breakfast. You realize you still have tons of time and you’re still full of energy from that run. You get a lot of stuff done before the world even exists !

Now imagine the opposite, what would happen instead ?

Just two simple habits of waking up early, exercise every morning get you way ahead of the game ! If good habits have such a powerful and positive impact on your life, while bad one does the opposite, then why don’t we build good one and ditch bad one? The answer is we are too easy on ourselves. Being too hard on ourselves does not do any good either. What we lack is self-discipline (which we will discuss in future post).

Let me share with you a technique I use to develop good habits. I call it the 5 minutes technique - simply pick a good habit, start with only 5 minutes and add a minute each day. No Excuses! Let look at an example, running. My goal is to shred some pounds, therefore I opt to go running for 20 minutes every day. So I started out with just 5 minutes. After first week of doing this I realize it was a walk in the park - just a minute more each day can't be that hard right ? In 15 days I have succeeded adding another good habit to my daily routine, easy !

Just one simple yet powerful technique can help you go a long way. There are many other techniques out there but I found this one by far the easiest. But the ultimate technique, at the heart of many successful people, is self-discipline. We will discuss this in next post ! Stay tuned !

I hope you can adopt this technique to your every day life. It is just one of many other things you can do to develop a healthy lifestyle. If you like this kind of thing, leave a like and subscribe to @quansteem. Thanks for reading !

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