10 Random 80/20 Rules Apply to Your Life Right Now!

Here are 10 random 80/20 rules (I made some of these up on the fly but decided to include them anyway because they make sense!) you can apply to your life:

  1. You are now spending 80% of your time sustaining your current life and 20% actually making it better.
  2. 20% of your effort (I mean your best effort!) produces 80% of the results.
  3. 80% of your activities accounts for only 20% of your fulfillment.
  4. Always expect to fail 8 out of 10 times. So you can succeed twice!
  5. If you decide to save/invest 20% of what you earn right now, there are 80% chance you will be wealthy.
  6. 5 hours yesterday I actually did something useful. What happened to the other 19?
  7. Did you just spend 80% of the time surfing web, on social media or doing nothing? How about focusing on getting things done instead?
  8. 20% (Or even less) of your friends are actual good friends who support and care about you!
  9. Before you do something, always ask yourself, “Is this in the top 20% of my activities, or the bottom 80%?”
  10. Throw away 20% of the things that take 80% of the space!

How many of these 80/20 rules apply or make sense to you?

Let me know in the comments down below!

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