Your Goals are Too Low - The Road to Success (Your Daily Motivation)

I've touched on this topic in many of my posts before, but I cannot help reiterating the importance of setting high goals.


What is a goal? Something you just need to write down to make your employer / teacher happy? Is it just an arbitrary list of dates and things you want to get done? No. A true goal is something that you set your heart and mind to, something you won't stop working for until you get it.

You may be thinking "Why do goals even matter, won't I progress if I just keep doing whatever I'm doing?" The truth is that you will end up SOMEWHERE, but you won't end up having much say in where that somewhere will be. By setting a goal, you are essentially making a promise to yourself that you WILL end up exactly where you want to be.

So how do you choose a goal?

Well if you've ever read any of @grantcardone 's books, you may be familiar with the 10x rule. It is really more of a mindset than a rule, but in essence works like this: Think of a where you want to be in the future. Owning a multi-million dollar company? Being completely debt free? Making a full time living off of steemit? Now multiply it by 10, whether that is literally or figuratively. Now you're thinking of owning a company worth billions of dollars, or being so far out of debt that you are making more money than you can spend, or even being the biggest whale on steemit. Now you have your goal.

Why does the goal need to be unreasonably big?

It all comes down to one simple truth: If you limit your goal, then you inadvertently limit the amount of effort you are willing to put it. If you need to make ten dollars in a day you will probably work for just a little bit, then go off to enjoy the rest of your day. If you need to make a hundred dollars in a day, chances are that you'll be working hard for quite a while. When we set out our goals much higher, we are forcing ourselves to put in a much higher amount of effort, which brings us to the next part...


While setting high goals is extremely useful, it is essentially useless if you do not follow through with action. If you set 10x goals and follow through with 10x action, surpassing your original goals will be a breeze, and when you finally make it to your 10x goals?

Then it's time for 100x

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