The butterfly lady

You might not know this, but I'm not really much of a social butterfly. Today though, butterflies forced me to be.

I told you we went to the zoo today. It was loads of fun and I made a lot of pictures. A lot. It will take me a while to get them on my pc, get Lightroom and Photoshop installed and then get them ready for publishing, so please understand I probably won't be showing much just yet. They'll come, don't worry.

Just a little story about today though. The first stop was the butterfly garden, which I always love. There are so many beautiful butterflies there and so many great photo opportunities. For a while though, I was the main attraction.


I'm not sure what it was, it must have been the after sun lotion on my arms, but the black and white butterflies seemed to love me. They perched down on my arms and basically refused to leave. Yeah, one perching down on you once in a while is pretty understandable in a garden filled with butterflies. It didn't stop there though.

Soon, a second one came, then a third. Eventually, I was walking around with four butterflies on my arms!


You can imagine people finding this quite interesting! So before I knew it, people left and right started pointing at me and shooting pictures. Oh my gosh, I became the center of attention!


So... I just stood there for a while, smiling at random people and lowering my butterfly-filled arm towards smaller kids. After a while, we decided to move on and let me shoot some pictures for myself. Three butterflies left me, but one joined me on the tour. It stayed with me until the very end, where I wanted to get out of the garden. I gently brushed it past a leaf, so it would hop onto that. Then I wanted to shoot a picture of it, but I stayed too long! It came back to sit on my other arm. So the next time I moved it onto a leaf, we got the heck out of there!

It was a nice little adventure and a good start of the rest of the day. We had loads of fun and I'll be sharing more about it in the near future. Until then, I hope this story brought a smile to your face!

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